(2) Pleasure Doing Business

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A/N: Yes I said I'll be doing the rest in Cassidy's POV, but I felt the need to say this in another POV. Sorry! Let me know if you like it ;)

Unknown's POV:

"Shoot me another one!" I ordered the bartender, slamming my fist on the bar's counter while draining my glass. A lagging day got me a free period, and I was bound to get the break I deserved. My drink came as swiftly as it went. I loved this new bar already, although today was the first day I was trying it out.

Then something else caught my eye, something other than the hot, grinding bodies that were sweating profusely. Something incredibly sexy. Her.

Oh, I didn't know her, but I sure as hell was willing to. White summer dress, black sandals, and- wait. Dried tears? She walked in through the door, slumping herself down on a chair four seats away from mine, drumming the counter with her fingers.

"The strongest thing you have," she muttered to no one in particular. "I need to forget everything."

I turned to the bartender, (surely he heard her) nodding that I'll pay for her drink. He hands it to me, and I slyly walk over, sitting next to her. "Sounds like you've had one hell of day," I tell her, extending the drink towards her.

Cassidy's POV:

Moving my eyes away from the plain counter and towards the figure next to me, I slowly rake my gaze over his body. I blush slightly as I take the drink from him. Tossed brown hair, stern blue eyes, and a smile- he was gorgeous in so many ways. "Thank you," I mumble.

He moves his eyes over my body, not being at all subtle about it. I squirmed under his gaze. "Let me buy you one more," he told me. He signals for the bartender to bring two more.

"Don't bother yourself with it," I said. His eyes narrow playfully, and he leans in the slightest bit.

"Don't tell me what to do, baby," he whispers gravelly. "That's my job." He leans back with a grin, taking the drinks from the bartender. Oh my god. I didn't argue; he was just too demanding. Something about him made me want to instantly apologize, bend to his will, that is. I knew that couldn't happen. Jason was still floating in the back of my mind, and this piece of smoking didn't look like the chains and spanking type. Yet.

He hands me another drink of the two. "You want to talk about it?"

I watch him slowly, trying to analyze everything about him. "No," I grumble defiantly. I take a few consecutive sips, stealing another glance at him.

"Okay," he shrugs. "If it makes you feel any better, my relationship just ended, too."

"How'd you know my relationship ended?" I asked him curiously, taking a long sip. He didn't answer my question.

"She said I was too, shall we say, dominating for her," he said. I almost sputtered out my drink.

"Dominating?" I squeaked out.

"Her words," he leaned in again, whispering, quickly pulling away. "Not mine."

I chewed on my lip, contemplating. Could he be interested? Could he be what I thought he was?

"If you don't want to tell me, that's fine." He downs his drink, taking one more glimpse at me, before standing up and turning to walk away.

Oh no. "Wait," I call out.

He looks back. "Yeah?"

"Please don't go," I mumble. "I have a question. Can you answer it?"

He looks up at the ceiling, walking back towards my seat and sitting down next to me again, a mischievous smirk creeping up on his features. "Why don't you ask nicely? You're going to have to learn to respect me," he says. My heart literally dropped, my cheeks flaming. Something in his tone told me when he asked, he wasn't taking 'no' for an answer. And respect him? What was up with that?

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