The Airport

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The other morning:

Manager: Are you ready?

JGS: Yeah, hyung, let’s go..

Manager: Are you sure you dont want to say goodbye to Yoona?

JGS: I don’t think it will be easy,

Manager: But SM told me, you can drop by at the dorm to say goodbye to her, dont you want to go?

JGS: I want to, but im afraid, that if i see her, i don’t want to leave...

Mrs. Jang: Im really sad for the both of you son, but you must be strong...

JGS: We’ll be happy after this omma, I know that...


LMH: Taeyon, where’s Yoona?

Taeyon: She’s dressing up, why are you in a hurry?

LMH: We need to drop by some place before going to the filming set.

Taeyon: Arasso, i’ll call her now.

While on their way, Yoona noticed the their on the wrong way, but she can’t ask Min Ho because he’s really driving too fast. Then she noticed that their on the airport,

Yoona: Oppa..?

LMH: This is the only thing i can do for Geun Suk...let’s hurry.

Yoona’s eye became teary, Min Ho immediately hold her and protect her while going inside the airport. They’re running as fast as they can to see Geun Suk for the last time, after a while,

LMH: Geun Suk! wait...

JGS: Yoo...Yoona? (he’s eyes became teary while walking towards them)

LMH: This is the only thing I can do for you, I want you to know that I’m really sorry for whats happening.

JGS: I understad it Min Ho, please take care of my Princess while I’m away...

Yoona’s tears started to burst while staring at Sukkie, then before leaving he hug her tight and whisper,

“I’ll miss you Princess, I love You” then he let go, because there are press all over the area, he doesnt want trouble. While walking away, he look back again on Yoona and Min Ho, and tease them,

JGS: “Yah Min Ho, don’t make my bestfriend cry arasso? If you do, i’ll be back soon and hit you” keke

LMH: I won’t, goodluck

Then he dance a little that make everyone laughs, so as Yoona.

JGS: “That’s my goodbye dance for you Yoong” keke Im going, I’ll miss your alligator laugh!

That day Yoona became happy, though Sukkie left, its just for awhile, she knew that they’ll be back with each other soon.  

In 3 months their drama will end, but they need to pretedn couples in the remaining 3 months. They’ll go to Japan and other countries to promote their drama, it was a big hit so the right was sold to different countries. Then SNSD’s comeback will be sson too, so Yoona will be very busy, its good for her too because it can help her to divert her thoughts and to not think most of Sukkie. She promised herself that she’ll do her best to be more focused on her work and happily wait for her Prince.

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