Meet the Parents Part 1

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12 midnight Yoona's taping of City Hunter 2 ended, while on her way home he carefully texted Jang Guen Suk..

Yoona: I'm on my way home Prince, we finish the shoot early, I want to call you but manager oppa is here, I'll just see you later...

JGS: Im glad you're on your way home now my Princess, I can't sleep knowing that you're still working, so let me sing you to sleep yoong, I'll call you ok, put your earbuds,..

After awhile..

I miss you my Princess, just pretend that you're listening to your mp3 ok? I'll sing you to sleep, I know you're tired.

Then he started singing Complete by SNSD, Yoona felt happy hearing this from her Sukkie. "Its one of my favorite song of your group, and now I'm loving it more because of you, beacuse Yoong you make my life complete" "This next song, ah I always want to sing this to you Yoong" then he started singing Just the Way You are by Bruno Mars. Because of tiredness Yoona fell asleep before Sukkie finish his last song for her which is "I wont give up on us by Jason Mraz. " Sleep tight my Yoong, Saranghe, then he hungs up.

It's almost 2 am when Yoona and her manager reach her dad's home. Her manager advice her to go back to their dorm before midnight because her schedule in Monday is early. 

Its only 5am but Sukkie already woke up, he immediately calls Yoona before getting of his bed.

JGS: Goodmorning my princess, are you still sleeping? sorry to call you this early I know you're tired.

Yoona: It's ok oppa, thank you for singing me to sleep last night, I plan to woke up early too. I'll help appa to prepare our breakfast, and Prince i forgot to tell him you're coming..

JGS: Oh i see, Yoong i'm nervous..

Yoona: don't worry oppa, im with you, ill see you later ok?

JGS: ok, i'll prepare now, i miss you so much

Yoona: ok, drive safely my prince.

Exactly 8 am Jang Guen Suk reach Yoona's dad place, he walk towards the door holding a bouqet of blue roses. He press the door bell and wear her best smile assuming that her Yoong will open the door for him, but he was shocked when Yoona's dad opens it..

Mr. Im: oh..Go..Goodmorning Jang Guen Suk...come in..

JGS: Go..goodmorning too here to...

Mr. Im: does Yoona know that you're coming? because she still sleeping..oh better seat first, ill just woke her up..

JGS: thank you sir..

Yoona's Room

Mr. Im: Baby, hey baby wake up, Jang Guen Suk is here,..

Yoona immediately get up: Appa what time is it?

Mr. Im: Its past 8 now, didn't you know he's coming?

Yoona: what? i fell asleep again, haist..ah..appa i have something to tell you..

Mr Im: you invite him here? don't you?

Yoona: appa..Sukkie and me are sorry if i didn't tell you earlier..its because we're keeping it secret, because of my contract and my dating ban.

Mr Im: I understand you, its ok, as long as you're happy my baby...

Yoona: Thank you appa, ahm can you talk to him first, i'll just prepare..

Mr. Im: ok, dont take too long...

Yoona: ah..appa, don't scare him huh? he's really nervous to meet you..kekeke

When Mr Im was walking down the stairs, Sukkie felt nervous again, he doesn't know what he'll do.

Mr. Im: oh Jang Geun Suk, Yoona fell asleep again after you talked earlier, she's just dressing up, we better have coffee first.

JGS: Its ok sir, thank you.

While on the table Mr. Im continues to ask Sukkie questions to relieve hes nervousness.

Mr. Im: Jang Guen Suk, wait its too long, can i just call you Sukkie from now on?

JGS: yes sir, you can call me that.

Mr. Im: Ok, so how was it working with my little princess?

JGS: its really great sir, she's such a good actress, and we got along very well, we always laugh at set because of her..keke

Mr. Im: nice to hear that, im happy with Love Rain too because she got the chance to work with actors same age as her, but i heard you felt nervous meeting me?

JGS: a little nervous sir, im sorry..i just..ah..

Mr. Im: its ok, its normal to feel nervous meeting the dad of the girl you like...keke

Then Sukkie, felt relieve and laugh with Mr. Im too...Then after a while Yoona walks down the stairs, she looks wonderful in her yellow dress.

Mr. Im: oh baby wait, ill get your slippers, the floor is cold..

JGS: i'll just get it for her sir..

Then Sukkie wear it to Yoona sweetly, and hold her hand while walking and gave her the bouquet of blue roses.  Mr. Im felt happy seeing his daughters happiness. Sukkie unconsciously hold Yoona's hand, then "Oh, i forgot that he doesnt know yet" then Yoona hold his hand tight again " Its ok, I told appa when he's waking me up" Then while eating Sukkie felt that he have to formally tell Mr. Im about them even if he already knew it.

JGS: ah..sir..Mr. Im, im sorry if i didnt tell you earlier, sir im dating your daughter for about two months now.

Mr. Im: its ok sukkie, actually im just waiting for this moment for too long..

Yoona: appa?

Mr. Im: Actually, the night , you Sukkie came here suddenly and confess to Yoona, I've witness all of that, I'm doing some paper works at my room that night and Yoona didnt know im still awake..

Yoona and Sukkie was shocked and just smile at each other. Then Mr. Im started to talk again.

Mr. Im: Sukkie, i know its hard for you dating my daughter because of her dating ban, but I want you to promise me that no matter what happen, you'll protect her.

JGS: I promise you sir...I'll do everything for her, I'll protect our relationship.

Mr. Im: and you my little Princess, i know you're grown up now, you know whats you're doing, i just want you to be happy, i want you and Sukkie to be happy, as long as you love each other, you'll get through all of the obstacle you'll face...

Yoona: Thank you appa..

Then after a sincere talk, they decided to leave, this time they'll going be going to Sukkie's mom.  

JGS: Sir, we're going, i'll drive Yoona home to their dorm after we meet omma.

Mr. Im: Ok drive safely huh? don't rush, and.. ah you can just call me abeoji from now on..

JGS: ok..a...abeoji, thank you abeoji..we're going..

Mr. Im: it feels nice hering those word from a son, 

JGS: thank you so much abeoji..i feel gratefull too.

Yoona: Appa we're going, take care

Mr. Im: ok, take care too baby, take a nap, i know you're still sleepy..


Yoona: Oh, oppa, is this your car too? 

JGS: nope, i render it from my friend, the one who owns the retaurant we ate with you're onnies, i just thought that we must be very carefull now.

While driving Sukkie can't stop glancing at hes Yoong, then he notice that Yoona fell asleep, so he stop the car for a while, lean the car seat for her and cover her with his jacket, and kiss her on the forehead, Yoona open her eyes slowly and touch sukkies face "Sorry if im sleeping my prince' Sukkie just kiss her lips gently "Its ok, my Yoong, you can sleep now, i know you're tired" 

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