Don't Let Me Down

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My heart sunk deep into the pit of my stomach. I couldn't believe the phone call I had just received. I knew I had to get to him, and quick. He said he was in the woods, but that could be anywhere. I'm just glad he managed to tell me he was by a road.
   I reared up my motorcycle and sped down the quiet streets. I took the nearest one that led into the woods. I drove deep down the windy road until finally, I saw something.
   I pulled my motorcycle over and held his unconscious body in my arms. He was out cold, but still alive. I saw the knife wound in his stomach, and I knew what I had to do. I took my jacket off and wrapped it around the bleeding wound, grabbed a nearby stick and tied a knot around it, twisting it to cut off the blood flow. The tourniquet was something my dad taught me, and I'm glad he did.
I noticed the blood stained phone in his hand, it was dead. I took it upon myself to call the police, I could give them a location.
It felt like someone was squeezing my heart as I unlocked my phone and glanced at my wallpaper. The picture Jesse took of us just a few hours ago, who would have thought he would end up like this?
When I got off the phone with the police I couldn't do anything but just sit there. I had my legs crossed and Jesse's body resting in my lap, my hands caressing his face.
"Come on Jesse..." I pleaded with a sniffle. "Just hang on a little longer ok? Don't give up..." My face was red and tear-streaked. Finally I heard the faint sound of a siren in the distance. I hugged Jesse's body close to mine, "We're almost there..." I whispered.
When the paramedics arrived and asked me what happened, there wasn't much I could say. I didn't know what all happened. "All I know is two guys jumped him, he has a stab wound to the stomach, I tried my best to do a tourniquet with my jacket..." I explained.
"You did the best you could for him," the paramedic said while resting his hand on my shoulder. "You can ride with us to the hospital in the back of the ambulance if you want," he offered.
I nodded my head and sat in the back. Never in my life have I ever cried this much, in fact it was rare that I cried. I can't lose him. I laid my head on his chest to listen to his unsteady heartbeat, counting each time it thudded against his chest just to make sure it was still pumping blood.
   We arrived at our tiny E.R. after what seemed like an eternity. They rushed Jesse in there and told me to wait in the waiting room. I walked outside and sat on the sidewalk, grabbing a few sticks and pulling out my pocket knife. Whittling was something I did when I was nervous, and I'm not the nervous type.
I chipped away at the wood making it thinner and thinner, trying to calm my nerves. It wasn't helping too much.
   You say I'm not alone, but I am petrified.
The lyrics from the song "Fake You Out" but Twenty Øne Piløts came into my head. I did truly feel alone and helpless. There was nothing in my power I could do to save him... It was all up to the doctors.
A word that truly and accurately described my fear.
I needed someone to be here... Maybe I should call my dad. He always knew how to comfort me and make me feel better.
I heard the automatic sliding glass doors open behind me, and I turned around to see a doctor, his scrubs soaked in blood.
"He's stabilized," he said to me, instant relief flooding over me. "If you want, you can come see him now," he offered.
"What kind of question is that?" I said as I eagerly got up.
The doctor led me back into the room Jesse was in, and I was not pleased with the sight I saw. His face was swollen and bruised, all these tubes and wires were connected to his body. He was barely recognizable.
I walked over to the side of the bed and knelt down, taking his hand in mine. I couldn't bare to look at him in this state. I stared blankly down at the floor.
   "Don't mind all the tubes and wires, they're just to keep his vitals in check," the doctor reassured me.
"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry," I sobbed.
I felt a hand pat my back, "I have to say, had it not been for that tourniquet you did... I can't say what state he would be in. You really saved his life," the doctor told me.
"Will he be ok?" I asked, not bothering to look up. That's all I wanted to know.
"It's too early to tell but... I think he'll pull through."
I felt relief but I didn't want to get my hopes up. "Don't you die on me Jones..." I thought as I fiddled with the dog tags I was wearing around my neck. I noticed my fingers were stained crimson, and only then did I notice the state of my clothes. I don't care, it's just clothes. A life is more important than that. Hell, my motorcycle is still in the woods, but it could get stolen for all I care. As long as he's ok.
I finally decided to text my dad.
Me: Jesse is in the hospital...
Dad: Oh no... What happened?
Me: He got jumped and stabbed in the stomach, this may be where I'm spending the night
Dad: Do you need anything?
Me: Support...
Dad: I know pumpkin, it'll be ok. I'll come over there for a while alright?
Me: Thanks dad
Dad: Anything for you my little ruby
Dad always called me that. My birthstone was a ruby so I guess it made sense. And I liked the nickname.

Ruby I hope I see you, I've waited all this week
For you to walk my way, your soul will capture me
Your momma painted your room a shade of pink, she said
But with your great arrival that shade has turned to red.
Ruby take my hand, please lead me to the Promised Land
Tell me, where am I from, your eyes say, "Shada de da dum."
Ruby, you're royalty, in your home land, they all call you "Queen"
Tell me, where are you from, your eyes say, "Shada de da dum."
You're an angel fallen down, won't you tell us of the clouds
You have fallen from the sky. How high? How high?

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