12. Lakes

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A/N: hello sorry for late update haha. Enjoy xx

Tuesday morning was the coldest morning so far this year, it was only January but still it was very cold!

I got up and check my neck to show the vanishing love mark, makeup would cover it today and I wouldn't get any questions from annoying friends. Talking about friends...

"Good morning bitch" Ann's voice boomed from downstairs.

"Up here." I yelled back and heard a male voice talking to Ann.

"Harry's here!" Ann confirmed Harry's appearance still downstairs.

"Okay I'll be down in a second then." I yelled and quickly covered my hickey with foundation and put on a quick pair of leggings and a bra with a lose tee and went downstairs.

"Good morning guys!" I greeted a very sleepy Harry and a very energetic Ann.

"Morning" and cheered and went inside the kitchen to make 'everyone' breakfast.

"Harry you look so tired, why are you up?" I pitied Harry watching him slump down on my couch and cover himself with one of the throw blankets I had there.

"Ann made me get up so we can have a 'bestie day'" he yawned.

"Oh Harry" I laughed because he was truly a very good friend to Ann, no one would ever get up at seven in the morning just to spend the day with me.

"Tell Ann I'm gonna finish getting ready for university make yourself at home." I smiled and he slowly nodded drifting away into what seems to be sleep.

I started the shower and got out a pair of black leggings, hoodie and a pair of slip on moccasins to keep me warm today, and got in to shower.

After I finally finished getting ready and went downstairs to Harry and Ann gone and a empty bowl of cereal on the counter I filled another bowl of cereal and sat down to eat and call Liam, only to be sent directly to voicemail.

I gathered all my things and put my car in drive and I was on my way to university.

Liam's POV

"Come on payne" joe's annoying voice was behind me as I kept all my focus on punching the shit out of this punching bag.

"Okay break." My annoying trainer said after me non stop punching this shit for thirty minutes.

"Joe, I gotta tell you something man." I said inbetween gulps of water.

"What is it son?" He said handing me a towel to wipe my sweat.

"I'm going to see my family this weekend and I need three days of break." I explained

"Okay son, but when you get back we have to get back to training straight away because remember who you're boxing next Saturday." He reminded me for the millionth time about who I was boxing.

"I don't give a fuck about Lakes, I'll beat the shit out of him like I do to all these assholes." I said with anger boiling inside of me.

"Let's get back in the ring,yeah?" I said looking at Joe nodding at me.

A/N: thanks !! I might double update. Maybe! But I'm updating "He's a heartbreaker" later on today! Please cot and share !! Love you guys !

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