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My morning started off by running around cleaning everything around so on Monday I wouldn't have to worry about cleaning, I could just get back from university and rest.

Finally after every spot of my house was clean I deiced to shower and invite Ann over, I hadn't seen her in two days and that was unusual for us. We'd always be together.

*Phone call between Shay and Ann*

-Ann, do you have any plans for today?

-um yeah at night I'm going to Liam's fight, but not now. What did you have in mind?

-I'm going to. But wanna come over and go shopping?


-just come over and I'll explain everything okay!?

-Give me twenty minutes!


I went upstairs to get ready to go shopping and for the rocket of question Ann was soon to throw at me.

I deiced to go causal with a pair of shorts, black flats and a oversized tank top, I put on some mascara and lipgloss and waited downstairs for Ann who was now ten minutes late.

"I'm here!!" Ann sang from the door.

"Your late!" I greeted her.

"Did you really expect me to be early or on time?" She said popping a piece of gum in her mouth.

"You could of tried, bitch" we laughed.

"So now tell me! About Liam and why haven't you called since the fight and ....." She stopped and held her mouth wide open. "Did you fuck Liam!?" She said with her mouth forming a grin.

I felt my cheeks turn into fire when Ann thought I actually slept with Liam!

"No are you crazy!!!!!" I yelled in embracement.

"Then why are you blushing!?" She smirked.

"Cause I can't believe you think I'm that easy!" I fought back.

"I would shag him!" She smirked and even though she was just joking but I couldn't help but get a bit jealous.

"Well you can 'shag' him all you want! I mean you both are British, perfect couple." I said getting annoyed with her.

"Oooooo someone's a bit jealous" she poked at me.

"No! Now let's go." I dismissed her walking behind her and blushing at the thought of just seeing Liam shirtless.

"Sassy one." She sung mocking my reaction.

"Fuck you" I laughed now dismissing all thoughts of Liam from my mind.


"Okay so I need a hot outfit because this really hot guy I met at university the other day invited me to have drinks with him." She smiled at me entering the mall.

"Wait didn't you like Harry!?" I asked

"We decided we were to good of friends to ruin it." She smiled and walked into a clothing store.

"That's good!" I said thinking how good of a friendship Harry and Ann must have.

"Well I'm going to try on these and then lets get you a sexy outfit for Liam!" She cheered walking towards the fitting rooms to try on her clothes.

"Don't bother I don't need to be sexy for Liam because there is nothing going on with Liam and I" I said following her.

A/N: I will update again tonight ! Don't worry and sorry for the bad chapter haha. Xx

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