Chapter 9

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When we got home, everyone found a spot to fall asleep and did so immediately. I wandered up the stairs and fell onto my bed, staring at the ceiling. I let my heavy eyelids droop and fell asleep immediately.

"Dude, you wiped out!" Johnson yelled at me as my head popped up from the waves. I tugged my surfboard back using the strap around my foot and clambered back on top of it, looking for another wave. 

"At least she's trying! And she has better form than you dude! Actually, everyone has better form than you!" Gilinsky yelled to Johnson who rolled his eyes and sat on his board, waiting for a wave like I was. After ten minutes with no such luck, the Jacks and I swam inland and relaxed on our towels until Johnson got bored and covered the sleeping Gilinsky with sand. Once the sun hardened it to a coat of sand, Johnson screamed in Jacks ear, causing him to jerk up and have his head slam against the ground as the sand on his chest practically became a wall of steel. I laughed and Jack cursed Johnson, who was dancing off to the side. After ten minutes, Gilinsky was uncovered and chased Johnson around until he tackled him in the sand. I tuned them out to watch the beautiful orange sunset over the water, and let the sound of the waves take my thoughts elsewhere. 

 I bolted upright in my bed and felt the setting suns beam in my face. I raced downstairs and woke up the Jacks, relaying my story to them. After a while the rest of the guys got up and Cam ordered a pizza while I retold my dream. 

"WHY IS IT TAKING YOU SO LONG TO REMEMBER?" Cam roared after my story and I jumped up in surprise.

"What?" I squeaked, and he whirled on me. 

"YOU KNOW ALL OF THEM AND YOU'RE DOING THIS TO BE DRAMATIC, AREN'T YOU? WELL FUCKING STOP IT AND JUST GIVE UP THE ACT! GOD, YOU'RE EXHAUSTING! EITHER YOU'RE SERIOUSLY STUPID OR YOU LOVE PLAYING GAMES!" Cam said, and I felt tears spring to my eyes. None of the other guys backed Cam up, but none of them helped me either. I shoved Cameron out of my way and dodged Jacob's arms as I flew through the door, and raced down the street, ignoring the calls of the boys behind me. I had to get out of there. 


A/N: Well that was extremely short and I apologize but I am currently bored out of my fuckin mind! So, I have decided that I am going to start a new fanfic, one with a new celebrity and story and characters and it's going to be off the hook! I'm going to publish the first chapter right after this and then I'm going to start on the second chapter of that and the tenth chapter of this. Guys, we have only, like, four more chapters in this! I'm so excited!!!

Also, I WENT TO THE JACOB WHITESIDES CONCERT LAST NIGHT AND IT WAS AMAZING! I absolutely loved it and I can't believe I got to experience that! If you want videos, you can DM me for my number and I will gladly send you vids and pics!

Love you guys and, as always... 

You're beautiful and perfect! Stay safe my lovely readers!

~Anna Runyan~

Remember to Forget (Sequel to Finding You) (Shawn Mendes Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now