Chapter 6

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(Double Update Bitches!!!)

It's been two weeks. I know Shawn is in town. Aaliyah told me. So why is he avoiding me? Why don't you ask him yourself? My guess is as good as yours. I shrugged on my flannel and walked to the grocery store just down the street to buy me some Oreo's. A girl's got to have her Oreo's. I'm just saying. The bell jingled as I walked in and I smiled at the lady behind the register. She smiled back as I made my way down the cookie aisle to my babies. I reached for the last box as a tan hand did.

"Oh, you take them." He said, looking away. I looked up and saw Shawn awkwardly standing there, scratching his head. Bitch, I know I can take them.

"You sure?" I heard my voice ask, and I was surprised to hear that it didn't waver at all. Stay strong Ansley. You can do this. He just nodded.

"Yeah, they're yours. I know how you get about your Oreo's." He said and my head swam for a memory of him and me and Oreo's but I couldn't think of one. He saw my confused look and smiled slightly, my heart pounding so loud I was certain he could hear it. I looked down at the same time he did.

"Well, um, thanks," I said, not knowing what else to say. He nodded and I turned away from him. I quickly bought my Oreo's and started the walk home when a Jeep slowed next to me. Shawn looked at me.

"I'm heading to your house, want a ride?" He asked and I nodded. I mean, I can't refuse a ride politely, can I? I climbed in and buckled my seat belt as his phone rang. "Can you get that? You know, safety first and all that." He said and I nodded. The caller ID said, 'Jack G'.

"Hey Jack," I said, putting the phone between my ear and shoulder as I straightened my seat belt. Shawn exhaled slightly, but I caught it. This boy was hiding something.

"DID YOU SLEEP WITH SHAWN LAST NIGHT?! I KNEW YOU TWO WERE GETTING BACK TOGETHER!!" He screamed and I pulled the phone away from my ear. Shawn bit back a laugh and so did I.

"No, dumbass. We ran into each other at the grocery store and he offered a ride home. So I accepted. Geez, you perv." I rolled my eyes, knowing he couldn't see.

"Oh. Well Cam went to Shawn's to get his bathing suit and everyone is at your house, so hurry up because we're going to the lake." Gilinsky said and I nodded before realizing he couldn't see. Shawn pulled into the driveway and I climbed out, hanging up on Jack. I tossed Shawn his phone and he caught it, just like they do in the movies.

"Thanks for the ride," I said and Shawn just smiled. We walked into the house and I dragged Mahogany upstairs as Gilinsky explained what was happening.

"What's up girl?" She asked the second I closed the door.

"I can't go," I said and explained the whole cutting thing to her. She nodded and stood up, walking into my closet and handing me an outfit.

"Wear this. And if anyone asks, just tell them you're on your period. Plus, you can be bitchy for no reason today," she laughed and I hugged her. I ushered her out of the room before changing before Cam came in. He was not about to see my legs. Nash and Mahogany were the only ones that knew and I hope it stays that way. I walked downstairs and rolled my eyes as the boys catcalled and whistled. Shawn and Mahogany were the only quiet ones. I slipped on my shoes before running outside and climbing into Cam's car, squished between Jacob and Aaron. Cam and Nash were in the front while Mahogany drove the rest of the boys to the beach.

"Why aren't you wearing your swimsuit?" Jacob asked blatantly, not caring about being subtle. I rolled my eyes and motioned toward my... stuff, and he caught on that I was on my period. I rolled my eyes and put in my headphones. After ten minutes Jacob was asleep on one shoulder and Aaron was flicking my earlobe. I smacked his hand away.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked loudly, waking Jacob up. Aaron shrugged and continued to flick my ear before Jacob got in on it and flicked my other. After five minutes we got to the beach which was surprisingly warm today and I pushed Aaron out of the car. My skirt inched up and I pushed it down, looking around. No one saw. Thank God. Then I made eye contact with Aaron and he looked sad. So he saw. Okay, I can deal with one at a time. The boys raced into the water while I layed down a towel and leaned back on it, only to have a shadow block my sun while dripping water onto my neck. I glared up and saw Aaron staring at me. I opened my mouth to say something.

"I won't tell anyone," he said and shrugged his shoulders before laying a towel next to me and putting in his headphones. Well he was easy. "But we will talk about this soon." He shrugged. I spoke too soon. I stood up and told Nash that I was going adventuring alone and walked off toward the hill. After trekking through the brush, I found a hidden cliff that dropped far off below and I remembered it. Before I really knew Shawn I had come up here one night and he came up shortly after. We had made small talk before I left and he looked like I had interrupted something. I shrug the image out of my mind and sat down away from the edge, picking the flowers between my fingers. The brush snapped behind me and for the second time that I had been there, he stepped out. Shawn.

Remember to Forget (Sequel to Finding You) (Shawn Mendes Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now