Day 10: Person you don't talk to as much as you'd like.

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Dear Lewis,

I really didn't know who to do for this. You popped into my head though, so this is gonna be short and sweet.

We were practically best friends from nursery upwards. Our Mums knew one another, we were in the same nursery school...we even went on holiday together, many times. My Mum ran trips to Disneyland Paris; amazing trips, that could never happen now.

I remember vividly the fifteen hour coach journey; we were young and tired, but much too excited to sleep. We'd stay up the whole way, watching Disney films like Dinosour, and my particular favourite at the time, AristaCats. Then there was Snow White, Lady and the Tramp...the list went on.

When we were there we'd split, but meet at regular intevals throughout the holiday. Seven years running, we did that. Such a long time; almost half our life!

You were my first 'boyfriend'--or so I called you in nursery. Right through infants we were friends, until I was eight years old. I, along with a few others, changed schools. We never spoke, and I missed you.

Then, we started Secondary. You were in all my classes. You were one of our group. We were closer than ever. I never admitted it, but the eleven year old me had the biggest crush on you!

I got over it of course. We were close, right up until the summer I turned thirteen. I was moving away; never even got to say goodbye.

Although there were promises to meet up, we never did. We got back in contact recently though, and I realized how much I missed you. So yeah...ima make an effort to stay in touch!



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