Day 1: Best Friend.

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  • Dedicated to My best friend, Eliza.

A/N: Hey. I saw this on quite a few other people's profiles and stuff so decided to give this 30 day challenge a shot. For those of you who do not know, this is a challenge where you must write a letter to a variety of people everyday for thirty days. They're short, yet meaningful. Anyway, enjoy.


Day One: Best Friend.

Dear Eliza,

It took me a long time to realize that you were worth gold. I was foolish, blinded by my fierce desire to pretend that everything was okay, to act as though I was 'normal.' Looking back, all the signs were there. It was all going to end someday; and you knew it too.

Yet you were there for me when I finally realized what an evil cow she was. I was her puppet; twisted, manipulated. I was whatever she wanted me to be. It just shows, what a loyal friend you are. You've always understood me, known what it's like. Know how it feels to have everyone stare down at you. The pointing, the staring. People asking why you can't walk.

You've always been there for me, and I am here for you. I know I was selfish; barely saw you for a while. But now it's all over, I can really understand what I couldn't see. I put everything I had into being her 'best friend.' Look where it got me. Yet with you, I don't have to try. I am me and you are you. No acts, no pretence. Just friendship, of the purest kind.

You are my wifey. You're the one who gets the giggles over the littlest things. The one who never fails to put a smile on my face. Then there's our phone calls, dragging on for hours upon end and never running out of things to say.

I know you'll always be here, as I will for you.

It'll be hard when you move away, but life has to go on. We leave school, things change. But I know we'll be okay.

I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you, and I'm sorry I didn't value you for a small period of time.



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