Day 3: Parents

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Dear Mum and Dad,

Of all the letters I've done so far, this is by far the hardest to write. Why? I'm not sure myself. Is it because unlike the others, I know you're going to read this? Or perhaps it is that I've got too much to say? Or maybe, just maybe, it's because you're the most important.

I don't know where to start, if I'm honest. How do I fit everything into one short letter? Perhaps I'll start with you each.

Mum. We've been through a lot together. Okay, we've been through everything together. We've been put through things nobody should have to go through. Everyday we're in pain, and it's a fierce fight to survive. To live despite these illnesses, make something of ourselves. For as far I can remember, you've been there for me. You're not like the other Mums, the ones my friends always moan about. I can talk to you about anything--and I mean everything. If I want to get drunk as hell, smoke, do drugs...I know I can go to you. From a young age you have taught me that you're open for everything and although you will warn me against doing such stuff, you'd rather I was doing it in a safe environment.

And hey presto, I've never wanted to.

It's hard to put how much you mean to me into words. You should know you couldn't be a better Mother, or friend. When I come home close to tears when I've been bullied again, or just generally being in a wheelchair at school gets too much, you always know what to say. You never fail to put a smile on my face, and your advice is always right too.

When I found out recently that they'd been testing you for a brain tumor, I didn't know how to react. I felt so many different emotions at once, I felt like I might explode. Shock was the main one, followed by the relief that the tests came back negative. I suppose I felt a little angry, too. Angry that I wasn't told, but mostly anger at myself for not realizing. I'm not mad at you; as always, you did what you did to protect me.

I've always appreciated you, but this made me so even more.

Now, onto Dad. You may not be my 'biological' Father, but to me that means nothing. In my opinion, I didn't have a Dad until you came along. Then I got one, and an amazing one at that. You truly are, though. You do so much, look after both me and Mum while dealing with my teenage hormones too. You're like the glue that binds us; without you, the family would fall to pieces. I might nag at you sometimes to look after yourself more, but it's only because I care and I know you know that too. You're funny, and make me and especially Mum happy. The difference in our lives since you came along; we're both ill now, but things are better. We are happier, and a much stronger family. You need to know you are appreciated more than I can say, even if I don't show it some days. I know I haven't written much, but you can be summed up in one word; amazing. Oh, and your pancakes are too :P

So what I'm trying to say is thank you. Even through it all, I've had a roof over my head, food on the table, clothes and material items and the most important of all; love. You've given me everything you can and I am always grateful. Maybe I don't tell you enough.

I love you,

Your daughter Jordi.

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