Virginia...Litginia ?

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WeRE HERE WERE IN VIRGINIA TGAT MEANS ICE CREAM WITH JSCKKKK! Alright, glad I got that out. I mean honestly, I've never gotten this nervous for a date. Well thinking about it, I haven't BEEN on a date since freshman year .

But I mean don't tell me you wouldn't be excited if you were going on a date- well no not a date, if you were getting icecream with Jack Gilinsky the boy you used to like in middle school but got over in highschool, well not ALL of highschool just like one year but now it's  obviously back. I'm talking a lot aren't I ? See. Told you I was like this.

Okay whatever getting to the point ,we are here. I rush out the bus only to forget that there's thousands of screaming fans outside it. I open the door, stop, then run back inside. " someone's in a little rush" Nate tells me. " oh well you know what they say, Virginia knows how to.. Get litginia..." I say, what am I even saying. "Mm yeah they do, Viri what's up you look nervous ? Hey are you okay by the way ? With what happened back home ?" He asks looking at me with a concerned face. " Yeah Nate I'm fine , I have you. The only family I have left and the only family I need" I give him a big hug.

"I'm really sorry Viri, you're my little sister and I want to do all I can to protect you but I'm really sorry that you lost both of you're parents because of them not being able to handle it, it's ridiculous but I'm here for you forever and I love you, alright ?" he tells me with tears running down his cheeks. "Nate, don't be sorry. None of this is your fault, none of it. And I'm so much more happier here with you than I would have ever been with them arguing while you were on tour. I love you brother now go rock it at your show " I say smiling with tears also coming so I go into the bathroom.

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