New Orleans!

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Ayyy we out here! New Orleans! Beautiful place ! Ok I'm screaming too much. This show was willldddd! It's mad lit , next stop is Virginia . So right now we're on a night trip. The show ended at 9 and after that we had to rush to Virginia because it's really far and well , tour life. " so Viri, how ya liking this tour crib!" Gilinsky asks me sitting down aside from me.

"I'm loving it , I mean like its great and I mean it's just super fun being here with you, well not just you all the other guys too but .. Yeah I like it" woah! Chill when have you ever stuttered so much talking to Gilinsky! He's your bestfriend and your acting like a total weirdo! I'm gunna slap myself . "Yeah haha Well you'll  love Virginia, it's amazing there. And well maybe me and you can go get some icecream while we're at it too! I heard it's great there!" He tells me looking in my eyes, I instantly get pink and there you go, another reason to slap myself.

"oh yeah haha y- no well yeah I'm down!" I have no idea what I'm saying, but Atleast I say something right.. Mm maybe not. Well let me tell you this I've never been so excited to go to Virginia!!!

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