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Disclaimer: I do not own the Originals or the Vampire Diaries, though I have twisted it to fit my own story, along with adding my own character(s)

Anastasia's Point of View

I woke up and got out of bed, when I looked around the room and saw it was Damon's, I looked down and..oh my god..!!

Ugh! I'm so disgusted with myself. Sleeping with my ex lover/best friends brother. To make matters worse that best friend is missing and his girlfriend just died. THE SAME DAY!

'I need a shower.' I think to myself before going to the bathroom.

Later on..

I step out of my room, I had on a pair of black jean shorts, they were slightly studded at the pockets, and frayed at the end. I had on a white crop top with my favorite black cardigan that had skulls on it, also a pair of classic converse. Being me, I added accessories; including: two long gold chain necklace with triangle pendants on it, a black bracelet with a silver clasp and stud, my crystal wing ring, I also had my daylight charm bracelet and my nails were painted black. (Ignore everything I didn't describe.)

"He called me, Damon." A female voice fills my ears. Elena..? Were they talking about Stefan?

"What?" Damon asks, disbelief in his voice. I could tell his hope was wearing out, after Stefan killed Andie he believed Stefan flipped the switch. I couldn't bring myself to believe that.

"Stefan called me last night." She said more quieter this time.

"What did he say?" Damon asked.

"Well he didn't say anything.." she replied. "But it was him! I asked Sheriff Forbes to track the call's orgin. It came from Tennessee." She said, hope evident in her voice.

So..she wasn't for sure, but the call came from Tennessee where Stefan and this 'Klaus the hybrid ass' was "Where he is binge drinking on country folk. We went through this Elena, Stefan's gone," He paused to breathe. "I don't mean geographically." Was he right? Was my bestfriend truly gone? I won't give up on him.

Eventually Elena left after arguing with Damon some more. I walked downstairs and went into the living room, seeing Damon leaning against the fire place. If he noticed my presence, he ignored me. "You've given up on him, haven't you?" I ask just above a whisper.

"What else can I do Rose?" He asks me, using my last name.

"Anything else! You don't give up on family, Salvatore!" I shout at him. "Family is everything," I quiet down on the last part.

He was now standing infront of me, and I'd hope he wouldn't bring up last night. "He's gone! He's not Stefan. He's ripper."

"Listen to yourself Damon! All I know is if the roles were reversed and Stefan was here instead of you, he wouldn't give up! He wouldn't leave you!" I growl at him.

I must've gotten something through his thick skull because he just stares at me, not saying anything at all.

Third Person Point of View

Klaus and Stefan walked up the Smoky Mountains. Stefan carried an unconscious Ray on his shoulders.

"You okay? Is Ray getting heavy?" Klaus asked him.

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