Chapter 3

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Louis' P.O.V (yes, a Louis p.o.v, shocker;))

'Calm down mate!! what the hell are you even freaking out over?' Harry has been pacing the living room, mumbling things under his breathe for the past 25 minutes. All i saw happen was him read a text then drop his phone.. then he ended up like this. What's his problem?

'Lou, you don't understand.. I c-can't! She's in fucking hospital and i can't even save her.' Oh, i see.. A girl's involved. Wait- Hospital?!

'What the hell did you do?! I mean.. I know when you have it with a girl she can't walk for a day.. but really? Hospital? What'dya do? Paralyze her?' I asked, genuinely interested. 

'ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME LOU?! NO. I DIDN'T FUCK HER. SHE TRIED TO KILL HERSELF. OKAY?' Uh oh..I'm thinking silence may be the only response...

Oh wait..


My mouth has a different idea..

'Go find her then' God damn it L- wait.. what? I actually said something... Useful?

'Are you kidding me? She hates me. She'll probably freak out' Oh, maybe it wasn't useful then.. I'll just shut up then.

'And? Go find her Harry. Even if it's just a friendship, she needs you by her side' Okay.. Take it i wont be shutting up anytime soon..

*~Chloes P.O.V~*

He's seen it.


Just to inform anyone who is listening to my thoughts.. aka, Edward Cullen. Yes bud, i know it's you and i've got my eyes on ya..

We've been in the hospital for 4 and a half hours.. Eve is stable, but is in a coma. She has been giving positive signs that she's healthy.. But still wont wake up. Doctors are concerned. Oh! AND Harry still hasn't turned up.. Maybe he doesn't actually like us.. Maybe he's forgotten us already.. Maybe.. Chloe shut up! No. Stop it! He loves you.. he's scared of me. Why am i talking to myself? I should be the one in hospital.. not her.. 


'C'mon honey! The nurse said we have to go and she'll call me if she wakes up! Chloe, c'mon!' I was refusing to leave. Not until she wakes up! She's like my big sister!!! I'm NOT leaving her. 

'NO! I'M NOT LEAVING HER!' I screamed, i don't care if she's asleep, it's not like she's gonna hear me is it?

'Chloe. You're coming with me!' How can she be so selfish?! she knows how Eve doesn't care for anyone but me.. kind of, she can atleast respect that!!

'No! Imagine how she's going to feel if she wakes up with nobody by her side!! She already feels alone enough as it is!!' Wow. I felt like 16 just then..

'NO CHLOE! SHE'LL BE FINE! YOU'RE COMING HOME! YOU'RE TOO YOUNG TO STAY HERE YOURSELF!' Great, now she's yelling. Suddenly the door opens and reveals a tired looking Harry Styles.. He looks at me and manages a weak smile, i smile back before being yanked by my hand, turning my head to a very angry and frustrated looking Mandy. I stomp my feet on the ground, then laugh at her attempting to drag me along. Sucker.

'Chloe. We're going. You can't stay here.' 

'Why. Why can't i stay here? Eve needs me Mandy.' she gets on my nerves ugh.

'Not alone.' Harry's head shot up.

'She can stay with me' He blurted out, i looked at him smiling, then back to Mandy who was glaring at him, i swear.. If looks could kill.. He'd be dead.

'And you are?...' Trust Mandy to say that.

'Harry.. Harry Styles' He stepped forward and stuck out a hand for her too shake... As i guessed, she didn't.

'Why would i leave her with you.. when i don't know you? Huh?' Oh... i forgot about that..

'But i do know her, ma'am.. We're friends. Eve aswell' He explained. Wait-- What?! Did he just say we're friends?! That's probably just some excuse for her to believe.

I think..

'Is that true Chloe?' I just nodded simply. She thought about it before responding,

'Hm. Okay, But i'll be back in the morning. Get some rest though Chloe. I swear, if i find out you haven't then there will be consequences.' 

'Yeah, yeah' She may aswell adopt me if she's going to act like my mother! She hugged me and kissed Eve's forehead before leaving and giving Harry evils.. This is going to a be a long night...


'Look, this is too awkward. I don't know what to say to you.. So let's get to know each other.. 21 questions?' That's the first thing he has said to be in the past 2 hours.. He was right though, it was getting awkward.

'Yeah... Sure' Considering i'm really shy this is rather brave of me. I should get a Grammy for this. Or a Chloemy.. No? Too soon? Oh...

'Ok.. Full name?' Take it i'm getting asked first.. Yay.

'Chloe-Rose Redman, Favourite colour?'

'Green, Birthday?'

'5th June, funniest memory?'

'Getting on the wrong plane, biggest fear?'

'Spiders. Can't stand the little buggers' I replied, covering my mouth doing so.

'Tut tut tut' He giggled. 

'S-s-sorry..'He just laughed in response, that's when i felt my eyes getting heavy and closing, leading me too a deep sleep.

'Night Chloe' i heard before passing out.

(A/N) OMG GUYS I'M SO SORRY! I know, this chapter is rubbish, but it's just a fliller chapter... I'm really sorry guys!  Next chapter will be better too! Oh! and i will also be posting a mini competition in a bit! Again, i'm super duper sorry for the whole thing being short and terrible.

Also, if anyone could tell me how you upload a picture to the side, because i keep trying but it wont work:( 

You shouldn't hate me though, next chappy will be amaZAYN;) haha... and yes i did just say 'Chappy' problem? I thought not.

Byeeeeeee love you all- not perverted at all.

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