(15) Nice to Meet You

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Dinner was held at large Italian restaurant about a 15 minute drive into the city. In his car, Isabel and Sebastian had each taken turns requesting music to play. He chose Bon Jovi, she chose Green Day. He chose Sex Pistols, she chose The Descendants. Once at the restaurant their conversation flowed easily and Isabel felt comfortable enough to begin to see him as a great friend. He was kind and genuine and laughed with all his might. He asked her thoughtful questions that showed her that he was listening to all she had to say. She discovered he was Romanian by birth, even convincing him to teach her some key words, and when she pronounced them with perfection, his eyes widened showing off their magnificent blue. They ate in total comfort, leaving behind their pre-date jitters and enjoying each other's company. Sebastian sipped at his beer and then spoke.

"So I have to finally ask, and please don't reach across and punch me in the face. But someone like you must have had a few men in her life."

Isabel arched her eyebrow.

"No no I don't mean it like that!" Sebastian stammered. "I mean like you know...boyfriends? There must be a story there."

Isabel smiled at the curious man before her. He was so sweet and caring and one look into those lullaby like eyes made her want to confess everything. So she drew a breath and let it out slowly.

"Well my last boyfriend was called Zach and we were together for 2, almost 3 years. It ended amicably enough I guess."

"What happened?"

"You know when you love someone, and you know they love you back...but it's not the right kind of love? Like you keep thinking to yourself 'is this the happiest I can be?' and when I got to that stage I knew I was in trouble."

"So you broke up with him?"

"I started the conversation, and he didn't fight it. We ended with lots of tears because we were great friends, but it was the right choice."

Sebastian stared back at her, but Isabel couldn't read his expression. He looked sad and confused, but his brows were knitted together like he was deep in thought. He nodded carefully and then sighed.

"I know what you mean."

and then silence. Isabel was worried she had touched a nerve. So she gently said,

"How so?"

He fiddled with the rim of his imperial pint before taking a gulp and spoke.

"My previous partner, her name was Madison. We had a relationship....not at all like that haha." He laughed dryly. Isabel could see he was pained. She thought that he looked almost broken.

"What happened, Seb?" She asked genuinely concerned that he would close up and refuse her question. He glanced up at her and held her gaze for what felt like an eon. He bit his lip like he was fighting back words he had held in for so long. She watched him closely, not letting him lower his gaze so easily. She had to let him know that she was there. Finally, he parted his lips and swallowed.

"She was everything I wanted, but not what I needed." 

Hearts of New York - A Sebastian Stan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now