For the first time

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Iv been in the hospital for three weeks now for all the tests and checkups and medicen infusions but the doctors are saying im makeing amazing progress and heeling quite well but they just have to do more tests.
To be honest im getting pretty close to these doctors they are the closest to a family iv got i dont wanna ever leave but im going to have to eventually. I just wish i knew who my savior was i couldnt stop thinking about him sometimes i even imagin seeing him again and tell him i dont know how to begin to thank him he gave me porpose to live and he put me in a better place,andy hehe my amazing favorate nurse told me all becaues of him im not going to be in a foster system anymore that im set up in this family program an actual real family with real siblings and a real school with real friends. I know now god has a purpose for everything.

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