chapter 14

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"Ya guys wanna come with?" Timothy asked. "I can make ya as big as Dumbo!"

"Thanks a lot, Timothy, but we're gonna go back where we belong," Cherry smiled. "Take good care of Dumbo for us. We'll never forget you."

"Yeah." Atticus smiled.

"Okay, I will, take care, you three." Timothy smiled.

"Take care." Cherry, Atticus, and Atlas said, waving to their new mouse friend.

Timothy smiled and scampered off to join Dumbo, returning to the circus since they belonged there.

"Come on, guys, I'll take ya home." Atlas told the kids.

"Thanks, Atlas." Atticus smiled.

"It's the least I could do after the way I behaved the first time we met." Atlas said.

Cherry gave a nod.

"Sorry about that by the way when we first," Atlas chuckled sheepishly. "Guess being in the spotlight brought out the worst in me..."

"It does that to most of us." Atticus shrugged.

Atlas then got a car before it tried to drive away with two criminals in it.

"What the!?" Cherry noticed.

"HEY! What's the big id--" One of the criminals was about to shout at Atlas before seeing that he was shouting at the strongman and started to become nervous.

Atlas snarled and stormed over. "Whatcha up to, fellas?"

"Atlas, thank you so much for stopping those two robbers," A police officer smiled after arriving with another officer. "They were about to get with $10,000 Dollars."

"Aw, it was nuthin'." Atlas smiled sheepishly.

Cherry and Atticus came to Atlas's sides.

"What happened?" Cherry asked.

"We've been trying to catch these robbers forever, but this guy helped us." the other officer told her.

"In return, you can have their car they stole." The first officer told them.

"Wait a minute, this is my car!" Atlas glared at the robbers after seeing the license plate that once belonged to the exact same car he stopped.

"It is?" the other officer asked.

Atlas scoffed, though not at the cops, to the robbers. "Yeah!"

"Wow, what a major coincidence." Cherry commented.

"Yeah." The robbers said nervously.

"You can send them straight to the prison if you would like." The officer said to the strongman before placing both robbers in front of Atlas.

"Oh, I dunno..." Atlas smiled shyly. "What do you guys think?" he then turned to Cherry and Atticus.

"Give them both an uppercut straight to jail!" Atticus and Cherry told him.

"Sure..." Atlas smiled darkly to the robbers.

The robbers looked to each other with gulps. Without another word, Atlas did just that and sent them straight to jail where they belonged. And where they both felt pain in their jaws from the uppercuts.

"Well, I better get these two back where they belong." Atlas said, referring to Atticus and Cherry.

"Have a good day, sir." the first officer said.

"You too, kids." the other officer added.

"We sure will." Atlas, Cherry, and Atticus smiled.

The officers nodded to them and let them go. Atlas went to his car and started it since the key was still in the ignition.

Cherry and Atticus Meet DumboWhere stories live. Discover now