chapter 2

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More female elephants came to where Mrs. Jumbo was and decided to see her.

"I wonder why the others going to see Mrs. Jumbo?" Cherry thought out loud.

"I don't know, maybe they're expecting like a baby or something." Atticus shrugged.

"Oh... Makes sense..." Cherry nodded then. "I guess she'll have a baby soon... Hmm... Wonder if we'll meet the baby... Never saw a baby elephant before."

"Maybe we will, maybe we won't." Atticus said.

"Oh, well..." Cherry shrugged.

A man with a black top hat was putting his hat on and going to a tent.

"Must be the ringmaster..." Cherry guessed. "Hope he's not like Uncle Al."

"Well, we'll soon find out in the big top." Atticus said.

"Let's take a look around until they announce." Cherry then suggested.

With that, Cherry and Atticus wandered around the fair ground.

"You ready, big guy?" the ringmaster asked Atlas as he smiled smugly in the mirror like he was in love with his own reflection.

"I sure am, boss." Atlas told the ringmaster with a smug smile.

The ringmaster hid an eye roll over Atlas's narcissism. "There's a lot of kids out there, go be their hero."

"I sure will." Atlas said with a smug smile.

"And remember, we are still having that challenge." The ringmaster told him.

"Right, like there's any doubt..." Atlas laughed.

"True, but still, I know how funny it is to you, so that's why we do it to keep you happy and besides, we might get another member to the circus and where he or she will be your partner while a friend of his or hers will also come along, but we keep that part secret." The ringmaster said.

"Gotcha..." Atlas chuckled. "Oh, I almost feel sorry for those victims..."

"Be ready in about five," the ringmaster told him. "I'll make up a contract."

"Perfect, either way, it will be entertaining." Atlas said.

The ringmaster gave a thumb's up and left to his own tent. "This'll be a great closing show for this town."

A lion was circling its cage as Cherry stared back and then it came up close and roared in her face, blowing her hair back.

Cherry slid her glasses off, rubbed them against her shirt. "Very good..." she then pushed her glasses back. "My turn..." she then cleared her throat and roared viciously back at the big cat.

The lion mewed weakly like a kitten and backed up.

"That's what I thought." Cherry glanced.

"You amaze me sometimes, Cherry." Atticus said to his best friend.

"I'm just full of surprises, you can never tell what I'm going to do next." Cherry told him.

Atticus lightly laughed to this.

Cherry checked the time. "Come on... Come on..." she then looked to the center where the show would be held and she was getting impatient. "Get started already!"

As if on cue, people began to come right in and the show was going to start very soon.

"Finally..." Cherry groaned.

"Come on, let's get a seat." Atticus told her.

Cherry nodded and followed him.

They both entered inside with the rest of the crowd and decided to sit on the bottom bleachers. The female elephants were getting in position as there was upbeat circus music now playing.

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