Chapter 8

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Boomer's POV.

I smiled under the mask after i gave the rose to the beautiful blonde girl whose face was sad and walked away after bowing.

It hurts me to see her like that.

People should smile more in this world, honestly. Theres too much chaos going on around here.

Not like me and my brothers can do much. Even though we have powers, people consider us as thieves while people consider us as good people.

You see, me and brothers steal things is because that thing can be used for other good things in this world.

But this village really has gone bad.

Some beggars were staying at a corner and people just ignore them like they weren't even there.

Because im me, i went ahead and place $100 into each beggars hand and some fruits or food before i walk away.

Won't hurt to do a simple kind move to people right? They deserve it after all.

I continue to walk ahead to find my brothers, still thinking of the beautiful blonde girl...

Butch's POV.

I was hanging around in the store to find something nice when i heard the door bell ring.

I look towards that direction and saw a lady with a cloak.

I cover my face with the hoodie of the cloak and began watching her every move.

I come to this store often because ladies who come here buys something before leaving but those ladies don't notice but they are always being stared by the owner of the store behind the counter.

Yes, i know that because i observe.

But too bad they can't have this piece of meat because im picky with girls.

After the lady took the things, she went to the counter to buy so i went closer and eavesdrop on them.

I got so shock.

How dare he say that to a lady who deserves to be treated LIKE a lady?!

I took out my pouch and took out the exact amount of money and went forward and slam the money on the table.

I look at the owner threateningly, though catching the lady's face.

And let me tell you, it was the most beautiful thing i have ever seen.

Even though her hair was raven black, just like mine, the hair brings out her beautiful emerald green eyes.

But too bad, my time was almost over. I hurried out of the store and went to meet my brothers.

I wished i could meet her again though....

Brick's POV.

I quickly walk away from the beautiful aurburn hair girl while smiling to myself.

She was interesting.

She got too carried while taking pictures and looking at them that she forgot that i was infront of her.

Can't blame her too, i was too busy thinking of a plan to get the Victorian Egg back from the Laurotsch family since they stole it from another family and claiming it it was theirs.

And if you haven't notice, im smart. I have an IQ of 200 so my mind is always being filled by thoughts.

If i could turn back time, i would want to meet the girl again. She had such beautiful ruby red eyes and the hair was almost a match to her eyes.

I quickly walk to the destination where my brothers and i are suppose to meet.

"Fateworth Listervill,

Where all your meetings begins with fate."

𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐔𝐏 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐀 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐅 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt