Chapter 12

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The day zane leaves for college

Aphmaus pov
"Aphmau wake up zane leaves today" I said "I know and that's one reason why I don't want to get up!" I was picked up and I seen garroth I groaned and said "put me back in my bed! If I see him today I'll cry!" Garroth said "do you really want to miss him leaving" I said "no...fine" he put me down and we went downstairs although I went very slowly when I got to the last step I seen zane holding bags and he was talking to zianna I frowned and zianna looked at me when she did zane looked over and put his bags down I walked over to him and hugged him we went out to the car he put his bags in the back and zianna got in the driver seat,my mom was in the passenger seat and me,zane,vylad,and garroth were all in the back this time I wasn't laying across them I was sitting on zanes lap hanging on for dear not gonna survive him I? Probably not....we got to the air port and everyone took their turn hugging zane then it was my turn I walked over to him and we hugged I mumbled into his shirt "im gonna miss you so freakin much" he nodded and said "I'll miss you to" when we pulled away I had tears going down my face he wiped them away and we kissed when we pulled away I said "I love you" he smiled and said "I love you to more than you could ever imagine" the intercom said "now boarding plane to O,Kasis university" he kissed my forehead and said "you'll be ok I promise" I said "I don't want you to promise me I'll be ok I want you to promise me you won't find someone else while you're there" he hugged me again and said "I would never find someone else Aph I love you and no one else but if it helps I promise I won't find someone else now I have to go" we kissed again an he handed necklace? I opened it and there was a picture of me and him kissing I looked up and I watched as he walked away he got on the plane and someone said "come on" but I didn't move heh i couldnt move I kept on hoping this was some sick twisted dream and I would wake up any minute to zane laying next to me but I knew it wasn't...someone picked me up and I seen vylad I frowned and he carried me out to the car I put the locker back on and we drove home and I went to no not my room zanes room I layed down and my phone buzzed I turned it on to see a message from him....

Z- I never realized how much planes scare me
A- are you ok
Z- yea...are you
A- ......
Z- please don't be sad about me it makes me feel guilty that the one I love is crying over me and I can't do anything about it
A- I can't help it! It's gonna suck not having you here
Z- yea really and we can't even visit each other! I'll be studying and you probably don't have enough money to come visit do you
A-  no :'(
Z- I guess Skype is gonna be our best friend
A- I guess...don't be surprised if I ask you to send a few of your shirts
Z- I won't :) I have to go the pilot just said we have to turn off electronics I love you Aph
A- I love you to

I turned off my phone and layed down I covered up,curled into a ball,and fell asleep.....

So zane is at college now! Poor zane and Aph! Anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee

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