Chapter 11

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Time skip! Zane and Aph have now been dating for 1 year and Aph and her mom still live with zianna! Zane and Aph are 18

Aphmaus pov
It was Saturday night and everyone but me and zane went out shopping so me and zane were just sitting at the house watching tv when it started raining HARD I frowned and it started thundering and I could see lightning my phone started buzzing so I looked at it to see w text from my mom....

HM- her mom
A- Aph

HM- hey Aph it's starting to rain really hard we won't be able to make it back until it stops raining
A- really? When is it supposed to stop raining
HM- 2? 3 days?
A- WHAT?! We're gonna be here by ourselves for 2 or 3 days!
HM- oh you two will be alright you're both 17 almost 18!
A- what can we do we'll get bored
HM- I don't know you and zane will come up with something!
A- fine bye love you
HM- love you to mija

I turned my phone off and said "looks like we're stuck by ourselves for a few days" zane said "why?" I sighed and said "apparently they can't make it home cause of the rain they'll probably stay at like a hotel or something" he frowned but then smiled he said "hey at least we're together" I nodded and cuddled up to him he wrapped his arms around me and he layed down to where I was laying on him we started kissing but all of a sudden it thundered really loud and I jumped he laughed and said "don't like thunder?" I said "n-no not really" we sat up and he pulled me into his lap he wrapped his arms around me and said "when I was little I used to be scared of thunder to heh garroth would always calm me down" I smiled and said "that's adorable!" He laughed and I started fiddling with my necklace the little locket he got me awhile back and he said "we still need to get a picture put in there" I nodded and said "maybe later we can take a picture together" he nodded and I said "I'm gonna go make food" I got up and he said "I'm coming with you!" I laughed and we went to the kitchen I started making sandwiches and zane wrapped his arms around my waist he put his head on my shoulder and i said "what are you doing" he said "nothin I just wanna spend time with you" I turned around and said "ok something's up" he looked down and I said "what's wrong? Please tell me" he handed me a letter and I opened it I started reading it and frowned i said "y-you got accepted to O,Kasis university..." He nodded and I said "you're going to college...." He nodded and said "yea but hey I'm only going for 2 years and if it was up to me I would go at all but my mom really wants me to go to college she did want me to go for 4 years but I got her to let me go for 2" I said "2 or 4 years it doesn't matter you're gonna be gone" I looked down and felt tears roll down my face he seen and said "Aph sorry please don't cry" I said "I can't help it you're gonna be gone! I won't see you for 2 years zane" he said "we can Skype and facetime!" I said "it's not the same just seeing your face on a screen!" He picked me up and carried me over to the couch he set me down and said "there still a while before I have to go" I said "really? How long" he said "a week...I would have told you sooner but I couldn't figure out how" I said "I know I should tell you to go to college and have fun without me but I can't....I'll miss you" he said "I'll miss you to...." And after he told me that we sat in each other's arms all night and didn't let go once because when he leaves we won't be able to hold onto each other.....

I teared up writing this! Then again ever since Aaron died in MCD i cry over little things....Aaron's death broke me.....anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee

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