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Disclaimer: I do not own the Originals or the Vampire Diaries, though I have twisted it to fit my own story, along with adding my own character(s)

Anastasia's Point of View

I knock on the door yet again, feeling rather impatient, and furious. How could he not tell me? I finally just kick in the damn the door and and walk into the house. "Damon where the hell are you?" I shout and seconds later I feel eyes gazing at me.

I turn back around to him and slap him across the face. Hard. "Okay, ow." He holds his now red cheek on his hand.

"That's for not telling me about Stefan two months ago! When you should have!" Apparently, he wanted to know where he was before calling me and telling me that my best friend had turn his humanity off, and went with some psycho hybrid ass.

"Look Ana, I get your upset I didn't tell you earlier but take your anger out on Klaus Mikaelson." Damon glares at me still rubbing his cheek.

And I was sure as hell going to! Taking MY BEST FRIEND? I don't think so. "Where is he?" I ask, still impatient. I knew Stefan without his feelings on was going to be hell.

"I'm not for sure.." he trailed off and I glared at him. "But I believe that he's at Memphis,Tennessee." Damon tells me.

"Well what are we doing here when my best friend is out to fend for himself." I walk out of the house and get in my car when Damon appears outside passenger door.

"I guess we're taking your car then?" He smirks at me and gets into my baby.

I just roll my eyes as I start her up and turn on the radio. It's going to be a long ride.

After the car ride

I park the car on the road and get out, walking to Damon's side and opened the car door only to find him..sleeping? I admire his beautiful face for a few seconds and slid my hand down his cheek but instantly pull away..what the hell was I doing?

"Damon we're here time to get up sleepy head." I push on his shoulder. I sigh and then his eyes shoot open. "Finally!" I praise the lord, it takes an old lover to know if Damon is completely out if it, he won't wake easily. 

Before Damon could reply with a snarky remark his phone starts ringing. He takes it out of his jacket pocket and groans before clicking 'decline'. "Clingy girlfriend?" I ask Damon and he rolls his eyes before muttering something around the lines 'I wish'. "It's quiet." I break the long silence between us.

"Too quiet.." he finishes and starts walking with me on his trail.

After entering the house without needing an invitation Damon and I shared knowing glances. We walk further into the house and smell a horrid smell causing me to slap my hand over my nose.

We walk into what I'm guessing was the living room and see two dead, torn apart bodies on the sofa "Definitely Stefan." I say and tap one if the girls legs for her head to fall on the ground.

"Yep.." Damon mutters trying to act as if his baby brother killing a bunch of people didn't effect him, that his brother not being with him didn't effect him. But it did. He leaves for a second only to come back in with a gas tank, as he was pouring it I stepped back and something beneath the rug creaked.

I pull up the rug and find it, a latch. Damon had put down the tank and walked to me I open the latch and we saw a room, full of cement, and chains. "Werewolves. Great." I say with fake enthusiasm. 

Riiggghhhtt. So first update done, I realize you don't know how Anastasia met the Salvatores or any of her story, and I will try to make it as clear as possible for you.

Be warned I'm not so good with old time writing or whatever so..it won't probably have that. (If that makes sense?) Hope you enjoy, and read my other book.

Stuck In Between

You can find it on my account.


Love your writer,


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