Always there for me

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I know  I haven't updated since FOREVER ? Lol look what i did here xD Anyways I'm sorry but nobody is reading this anymore :( so I'd appreciate it if you guys share the story ? Maybe ? And guys i'm in a need of a trailer , so I was woundring if any of you can make me one ? BTW i'll dedicate this chapter for the first comment ;) enjoy and don't forget to vote ;)

Always There for me

Chapter 8

“Missed me honey ?” A voice said I know that voice anywhere “Jack let go of me and go to your bitch” I said trying to release myself “Oh babe we broke up” He said still holding me “ Oh well and you decided to get back to the second choice” I said “Exactly” He said “ We are over Jack got it ?” I said “But you still can get back to me” He said and I felt his smirk “Never” I said “I know you still want me” He said “I’m with Harry” I said without thinking , He released me “You can still be mine” He smirked “Never” I said and ran away , I reached the door and just before I get out I felt a cloth on my mouth and everything went black

Harry P.O.V

I arrived to the house the door was open , I rushed in “Demi” I called but no respond “Demi, Where are you” I called again , I heard her voice through the other room , I ran in and I found her tied to a chair , I took the cloth of her mouth “Harry, It’s jack he’s in the kitchen” She said terrified “Shh , don’t worry” I said while untying her

“Stay here” I said and ran to the kitchen , he was standing next to the cook holding a cigarette “Oh the lover boy came to rescue the princess ?” He said I felt my fist go to his face , he ran outside and I caught him , we kept fighting till I felt something , the place around us was on fire , He was torn I let him go and ran upstairs to Demi “What happened?” She said I didn’t respond, I grabbed her hand and we ran , I guess Jack didn’t give up because he grabbed Demi’s foot , She started screaming , I carried her and released her and got out of the house quickly . At the same time the fire fighters arrived

“Is anybody else there?” One of them asked us “Yes , there is one” I said while he ran inside , Demi was crying I hugged her and kept holding her , after a while they put the fire down “Sorry but we couldn’t save him” the fireman said while Jacks dead body got out to the hospital car , Demi buried he head into my shirt, I held her closet and looked to the police man who came towards us

“We need to ask you some questions” He said I nodded

 “ What were you doing In here and how did you know Jack ?” the police man asked

 “I’m his Ex-Girlfriend , this is my old house , he pretended to be the new owner , he called me and told me that I forgot something when I arrived he kidnapped me” Demi said shaking

 “and you ?” The police man said pointing at me

“Demi lives with me , we’re old friends , she told me when she recived the phone call , I followed her because I didn’t feel that she’ll be safe” I said

“Alright , thank you” The police man said looking up from his papers and left

I saw paparazzi gathering

“Let’s go home” I whispered to her and pulled her with me , she’s sad and shocked from what happened , We kept in silence till we got home

“You okay? Do you need to go to the hospital” I said

“ No,I’m good , I guess … I need to rest” She said

 “Sure” I replayed and we got into the house

“Go to your room so the boys won’t ask you any questions and have some sleep” I demanded her , she nodded

“Harry” She called after me , I turned to face her , Our faces were only inches far

“Thank you” She whispered , I couldn’t resist my heart , I leaned slowly and as our lips touched we were cut “Guys what happened” Louis entered suddenly “Umm, Uhh, Harry is gonna tell you I’ll just ..Go to sleep” She said and ran upstairs “Mate you always cut me” I told him “Sorry, but you didn’t see the T.V and Twitter” Louis said while handing me a his phone ‘Harry Styles rescues his mystery girl’ , ‘Is Harry Styles in love?’ and ‘Who’s the lucky girl that Styles would sacrifice his life for’ , I threw the magazines “Damn it” I said “Now tell me what happened” Louis said .

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