Chapter Four

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By the way, that's Callie ->

Chapter four

Day four, June 3,

So yesterday after unpacking, every single last thing I stuffed into my suitcase, I started flipping through the book I bought. Basically it gives you one thing to do a day. For example, today it says, 'make a new friend'. Not that exciting...but it'll do for today. I'm still pretty tired from the long car ride....and my butt hurts too. It's super easy for me to make friends, so I should easily be able to check this off the list. Maybe I'll even get to another one today!

Anyways I smell French toast, and Jamie's snoring is annoying me. PEACE OUT

Love, Love~

I stuff my diary into my pillow case. No one shall find it! Hehe, I can just imagine Jamie's face if he saw this. Speaking of Jamie, the boy, man, person, thing, is really annoying! Sure he's spent the night at my house countless times. Did he ever snore? NO! So why all of the sudden did he start now, while were sharing a room? I swear I'm never going to get any sleep, and then I'm going to get those dark circles under my eyes! I NEED MY BEAUTY SLEEP. So yeah I'll do pretty much anything to stop it. Anything!

I sit up carefully; I don't want to hit my head on the low ceiling. I cringe as my foot hits the cold metal ladder. Biting my lip I continue down until my feet reach the softy carpeted floor. Releasing the breath I didn't know I was holding I do a small victory dance. It's not every day I climb down a ladder, plus it's been a while since I've done it. With my klutziness I'm happy I made it down alive. Calming myself down I look of the big heap of sheet and blankets that covered Jamie. I smile. Now's my chance to get him back for ruining my sneakiness last night.

I tactfully sit down on the bottom bunk making sure I was being as quiet as possible. I really don't want him to wake up before the fun starts. I slowly tug on the covers to see exactly where he was under the bundle of covers. Luckily he was lying on his back. Silently giggling I poke his cheek.

"Still fast asleep like a little baby." Smirking I stand up and tip toe over to the door. Having my horrible luck the door squeaks as I carefully open it. I peer over my shoulder. Jamie hadn't moved an inch. Next I skip into the kitchen.

"GOOD MORNING~" I sing, kissing my mother on the cheek.

She smiles and looks up from the delicious French toast she's currently making, "Breakfast is almost ready. Get Jamie up so we can eat. We have a big day today."

"Yes we do." My father adds hiding behind a newspaper.

I don't see how he reads the newspaper. It's full of boring crap I don't care about....then again I do enjoy reading the comics. They always make me laugh. Well practically everything makes me laugh so it's not saying much.

"Boat!?" I grin and start jumping up and down excitedly.

Now we aren't exactly rich so when I say boat I don't mean some costly speed boat that makes everyone jealous. I mean an old pontoon with a few seats, it was my grandfather's but my grandma thinks he's too old to have it, so he gave it to us a few years back. I don't care how crappy it is though; I'm more interested in swimming. Sometimes I wish I could live in the water. I could be like a merman! That'd be so cool!

"Yes I'm getting out the boat today. Turns out my old buddy Dan is up here with his brother Keith. They're going to help out."

I grin not really caring who was helping who, I get to go swimming! I can already feel the cool water and the swaying of the boat against the waves. I guess I started swaying along with my imagery boat because my dad gives me a strange look. I shrug it off, he should know by now I'm not normal! Stop acting like you don't know!

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