Chapter 5:Pewter City

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Authors notes: Thank you for all the reads and positive comments XD I am just asking if you could share this with your friends :) I'd really appreciate it!!! Now back to the story!!! And I changed Josh to David. I dislike the name Josh very much so I changed it.


I wake up to Josh shaking my shoulder. I sit up and see a happy healthy pikachu reaching for my face.

"Woah! Pikachu! Are you ok?" I ask as I grab him. 

"Pika Pika!" he says while giving me a thumbs up. 

"He's made a full recovery," Nurse Joy said with a smile. I hold up my pokeball and pikachu was engulfed in the red light and now he was mine. 

"Yay! This is so exciting!" I exclaim. 

"Who's on your team now?" David asks. 

"Hmm... bulbasaur, pidgey, caterpie, and pikachu. I only have 2 more spots open for the team. I guess I should find a psychic type and ice type." 

"Wow, you already got them all figured out?" David asks. 

I turn and blush. "Yeah, I studied like crazy of the different types. I got this book from Professor Oak." I reach in my backpack and dig around. "I forgot it at home!!!" 

"Do you really want to go back to get it?" he asks while giving me a 'We don't have time for that' look.

I sigh, "No, I guess not. I'll call my mom and see if she can't send it to me." I rush over to the phone and dial the number. 

"Hello." My mother sounds extremely tired. 

"Hey mom, its me," I say in a more cheerful voice. 

"Oh hi honey. How's everything going?" 

"Good. I made it to Pewter City." 

"That's great honey." She sounds almost better. She probably just misses me. 

"Hey mom can you do me a favor and send me the book Professor Oak gave me?" 

"Sure dear. I'll send it to the pokemart in Cerulean City." 

"Okay. Thanks. I love you." 

"I love you, too. Be safe." With that she hung up the phone.

"Well, I guess we should get going huh?" I say trying to sound as if nothing was wrong. 

"Okay, next stop, Brock."

"WHAT?! I almost totally forgot about my gym battle with Brock. We gotta get going." I rush out of the Pokemon Center dragging Josh behind me. We come up to the gym. I take a deep breath and push open the doors. I look around and see rocks and dirt everywhere. I take a few steps further in and I hear people laughing.

"Who are you, huh?" 

I firmly take my stance and say, "I am Brittany from Pallet Town." 

David steps up next to me and says, "And I am Josh from Cinnabar Islands. We have come to battle this gym and earn our rock badges." 

He sounds a lot braver than I do but I am sure he was just as nervous as I was. 

"Alright pipsqueeks. If its a battle you want then its a battle you'll get," said one of the members of the group.

David goes first and pulls out his pokeball. "Go! Nidoran!"

A NIDORAN?! How was he so lucky to have a Nidoran?

"Go, Geodude!!" the trainer calls.

After an epic battle David won. "That is awesome! Great job!" I yell while giving him a big hug.

"Hehe, thanks," he says while blushing. Why is he embarrassed? Oh well. Watching his battle and I am pumped for my battle. An older trainer steps up. 

"You ready kid?" he sneers. "Just cause you're a girl doesn't mean I'm gonna go easy on ya." 

"Don't want you to." I reach for my belt and grab pidgey. "Go, Pidgey!"

"Pidgey!" he calls while shooting for the sky.

"Go, Cubone!"

"Pidgey, use gust!"

Cubone ducks his head from the sudden gust of air. It's so powerful he flies backwards.

"Cubone, use bone club!" 

"Bone club?" I see cubone running full force to pidgey swinging his bone. "Pidgey, quick! Dodge and then use tackle." 

Pidgey takes to the sky and then dives back down and takes out cubone.

"Cubone is unable to battle." 

We look up and see Brock, the gym leader. "Come back in an hour and we will see how tough you really are."


"Oh man, what a crazy battle! And Brock wants us to battle him today! Aren't you excited?!" I ramble to David. 

"Of course I am!" He shouts as if he was insulted. "I'm just worried about Nidoran. She got beat up pretty bad." 

"Oh yeah. We'd better hurry then."


We make our way back after having lunch and all our pokemon are healed.

"What pokemon do you think he has?" I ask.

"I don't know have a clue," he responds.

We enter the gym to find Brock already in the stadium. Camper Liam is playing referee.

"For this battle each trainer will pick at 1 pokemon and that pokemon will determine the winner," Camper Liam announced.

"Ladies first," David says as he pushes me onto the stadium. I shoot him a dirty look and continue into to the square. My heart is racing a million miles a minute.


I grab my pokeball and throw it. "Go, Bulbasaur!"

"Go, Onix!"

A towering onix that just fits under the high roof of the stadium stands lets out a huge roar.

"Don't be scared Bulbasaur!" She looks back at me with concern but then straightens up.

"Onix, use rock tomb!"

Rocks begin flying from every direction. I duck just in time. I see Bulbasaur using vine whip to deflect the rocks. "Bulbasaur, use tackle!"

Bulbasaur dodges the rocks to hit Onix. Onix hits the ground with an earth shattering crash. Onix gets up slowly ready to fight again.

"Onix use bind!"

Onix wraps its body around Bulbasaur like a snake. Bulbasaur cries out in pain.

"Bulbasaur use vine whip! Hit anything you can as hard as you can!"

She starts slapping Onix across the face so hard the it soon lets go and Bulbasaur jumped away She spits out something at Onix then is surrounded by a bright green light. I look in awe at the sight then pull out my pokedex. 'Leech Seed: the foe becomes seeded and can drain energy from its foe to regain its own energy.'

Onix faints.

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