Chapter 3: New Friends, New Foes

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A wild Rattata appears. I pull out my pokedex and open it to record it: Rattata; normal type pokemon, cautious in the extreme. It's hardy vitility let's it live in any kind of environment.

"Alright! Go bulbasaur!" I call out. Bulbasaur shoots out of her ball in a beam of light and instantly begins battling. She tackles the rattata into submission. I leave bulbasaur out so we can wander through the grass together. We make it out and make it to Viridian City. Bulbasaur looks like she is going to pass out any moment from the walk and the battles we encountered in the tall grass. I look to the right to find a little building painted red and white and it says; Pokemon Center. I rush over and run through the automated glass doors. The room is filled with trainers from all walls of life and at the other end I see a big desk. I walk over and see a pretty lady with long pink hair tied up in complicated pig tails wearing a nurses outfit.

"Hello, welcome our Pokemon Center! Would you like to heal your pokemon to perfect health?"

I gulp and reach into my pockets. Coming from a single mother barely scraping by left me with no cash. The nurse must have noticed the look of fear on my face then said, "No need to worry dear. The Pokemon Center is a non profit organization. Our soul purpose is to make sure pokemon and their trainers are well taken care of on their journeys."

I let out a great sigh of relief and hand her my single Poke Ball. She looks at me slightly confused then she exclaims, "Oh! A new trainer! That explains it. My name is Nurse Joy. My sisters and I run all the Pokemon Centers all over the world. We all look the same and we're all named Joy."

"Oh! That is a... big family huh? I'm an only child. Just me and my mom. I couldn't imagine all those siblings...hehe..." I manage to say.

She gilts her head and smiles. She puts bulbasaur's ball in a machine that beeps before she returns her to me.

"Thank you for waiting. Hope to see you soon."

Once outside I wander around the town. There is an old man standing by himself watching me. He calls me over. I cautiously make my way over.

"New trainer huh? You know how to catch pokemon?"

I shake my head. He leads me over to the tall grass and finds a weedle minding his own business. He grabs a pokeball and tosses it. The weedle was caught in the red light then the pokeball closed. It shook a couple times then stopped. The old man picked up the pokeball. "See wasn't that educational?"

"Yes, it was," I say quietly.

"Here take these." He hands me 5 pokeballs. "Go catch your own pokemon. Remeber you can have 6 on your team and all other pokemon end up in the PC."

I nod and thank him as I then make my way over to a brown and gray building. The sign says Pokemon Gym. I walk up to it to peek inside. It's completely dark inside.

"The gym is always closed," another older gentleman said. "I wonder who the leader is?"

I shrug and decide I should continue my journey before the sun goes down. I pull out my map to figure out where to go next. I feel my pokeball move. I let bulbasaur out. She keeps me company.

"Well it looks like Pewter City is next, but we'll have to start at Route 2 then make our way through the Viridian Forest before we get there and I don't know about you bulbasaur but I would rather not walk through a forest at night. what do you think?"

"Bulbasaur..." she said in a concerned tone.

"So, one night in Viridian City it is then. Let's just try and catch a pokemon before heading back to the Pokemon Center. What do you say?"


We head north to try smiths patch of tall grass and we find a wild pidgey. After a long battle of hit after hit and bulbasaur almost fainting from exhastion she shot out seeds at pidgey's feet and then all of a sudden her energy and stamina went back up. She continues battling while pidgey was getting weaker. Finally, I threw my first pokeball and pidgey was caught. Bulbasaur and I celebrate in our first catch. I pick up the pokeball and attach it to my belt. I make bulbasaur return to her ball and I head back to the Pokemon Center in Viridian City. I give Nurse Joy my pokeballs and I sit and wait for them. I pull out my pokedex and look up the move bulbasaur did. I found out she taught herself leech seed. My chest swelled with pride as I learn I am teaching her new things and she is getting stronger.

Nurse Joy brings me a cup of hot tea and a chansey brings out my pokeballs. I thank them then settle in for the night on one of the couches. I didn't realize how tired I was until I pulled the blanket up to my chin and fell right to sleep. I woke up every so often waiting for the sun to rise to start the next chapter in my journey.

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