Chapter 2: The Journey Begins

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I run back to my house as fast as I could.

"Mom, look at my new pokemon!!" I exlaim as I burst through the door. I release my pokemon in the living room.


"What a cute pokemon! Brittany, I already got you all packed up ok?"

I call bulbasaur to return to his poke ball and rush over to my mom. She pulls out my backpack and I look inside to see what I have: clothes, soap, fresh water, soda, snacks, poke snacks, and other essential items for survival.

I hug my mom and thank her.

"One more thing honey!" She runs over to her closet and rummages for a minute before she pulls out a dusty hat. She beats it against her hand a couple times to knock off a lot of the dust. "This is your dad's hat. He left it for you for your journey."

I take it from her in awe. "Thanks mom." I put it on. She starts to tear up. I give her a big hug and after our goodbyes I leave to start my pokemon journey.

I take a deep breath as I am about to take my first step into the tall grass.

"Brittany! Wait!"

I turn to see Professor Oak running towards me. "I forgot to give you this."

He handed me a bulky red and black electronic device.

"Its a Pokedex. I need your help with my research. Whenever you meet a new pokemon it will record it. So far there are only 151 known pokemon."

I take it and thank him. He shakes my hand and turns back to the lab. I decide to take a detour to rub it into Cody's face. I knock and to see David's little sister open the door.

"David isn't home. He already left. I have something to give you!" She runs back to the kitchen table and grabs a piece of paper and runs back and hands it to me.

"Thank you! This is a perfect map!" I hug her. "Well I'm off on my adventure."

I start walking through the tall grass until.....

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