Chapter Two

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I never felt so wrong to avoid someone who just saved my life. I cried for hours hoping a sign from God would come down and tell me to listen to my heart and not my friends. In that very moment my best friend who was more like a sister, Lindsey; called to tell me to talk to him and not have to worry about the concern of others. She told me that she sees good in everyone and that he has a good side since he placed me over himself. Lindsey my sweet little angel was right as per usual. I knew I owed Vinnie a thank you so, I got his number from Tommy and I decided to invite him to lunch. Who knew it would be the best decision of my entire life.

I was excited but more anxious. I was worried that things would go bad and my friends would disown me. But, Lindsey pushed me and told me "Kells, you deserve this and you earned this." I think in that moment she knew we were going to fall in love. But, at the time I had no clue. We met at a small cafe out on 56th street and ended staying for hours. We talked about the most simplest things to the most complex. I found myself opening up and trusting him; not because he saved me. It was more because we just connected in way I couldn't explain. I couldn't see the player in him. He was kind, compassionate and mainly caring. He was going on and on about the concern he had when he saw me in that state. Vinnie was overall an amazing person whom I can see in my life forever.

But, all good things come to an end. PDR happened to be throwing another party and guess which two got invited? We ended going and just being bummed out that we lost time together. We arrived at the house to be greeted by Tommy and all our friends. When my girlfriends saw that I arrived with Vinnie, they looked with disappointment. I could tell that I let them down but, I didn't feel an ounce of sorrow. I was happy, I was happy to be with Vinnie and the people that mattered. I walked over and they instantly all started talking at once and soon, I just knew it was enough and took off to go find my friends.

"Hey Tommy have you seen Vinnie?" I wanted to find him and just talk to him. "I think he went to the backyard!!" I really think Tommy has no problem with public embarrassment. I went to the backyard to only feel horrible. I saw Vinnie with 2 other girls under a tent that was set up. They were riding him and it was sight that I could not forget. I saw him fucking a girl and the other girl was just doing other things. It was painful and I never understood why it hurt me as much as it did. In the moment I knew the inner player was out. Vinnie saw me and he immediately got up to talk to me. I wanted nothing to do with him. I never felt so much disrespect and disappointment within a matter of minutes.

I ran to find Lindsey or Tommy without even looking at Vinnie. It was strange being so hurt over a small thing. It was his life, why was it killing me on the inside? In that very moment I knew my friends were right. I was just going to be one of the girls he fucked around with. I didn't want that; I wanted to be a friend, a person he could turn to. However, I knew I was just going to be that stupid little girl who owed him for saving her. Lindsey was the first I found she gave me the most reassuring hug a girl could ask for. I expected her go "I hate him and I don't want you anywhere near him!" But, I didn't I heard the "I think you should talk to him." This wasn't like her. We been best friends since we were two and this was a side I have never seen before.

I heard someone call my name a couple of doors down. I was assuming it was Vinnie and my assumption was correct. "Kelly that guy you saw was nothing like the real me. I want to become friends with you and actually get to know you." I knew from that moment on he was genuine and it was the start to a beautiful friendship. As much as I was attracted to him; I knew I could never fully trust him with his lifestyle and trust is necessary in any relationship. I was just really glad to know I gained a really important aspect of my life.

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