Chapter One

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It all started with a dull uninteresting day. I wanted to get out but I also wanted to lay in warm cozy bed. Honestly, first world problems. Am I right? After browsing Instagram and Twitter for a good hour I decided I needed to get out. The first person I think of? My best friend whom is still my best friend as of today, Tommy McCallen. Tommy influences and understands my ways better then anyone in the world. I know I can definitely rely on him for anything. I ended going to his last lacrosse home game. Where I could see them destroyed the other team.

The victory after party. I think win or lose the party would have went on. Thank you PDR for giving me such enjoyable parties that I will never forget. I remember Tommy teasing me about talking to my crush whom was at the party as well. I ended up finally having the nerve to go up and say hello after a couple of shots of course. (His name will be anonymous for his sanity.) We got talking and decided to take a walk around the house. Some how we managed to hit the bedrooms; where he decided himself that he wanted to have sex with me. Of course, I instantly declined the offer. No wasn't the answer he wanted to hear. He forced himself onto me. I tried crying for help but it was no use; I gave myself up. Moment passed and my only thought? "Tonight is the night I'm going to lose virginity to someone whom I didn't love." But, a guy rushed through the door and pushed him off me and wrapped his arms protectively around me.

I never believed I could trust a complete stranger but in that moment he saved me, I trusted him with my life. Who is he? All I remember before I ended up in Tommy's chest was that he had these gorgeous blue eyes. When the tears finally stopped I looked up and saw I was tucked into my room at my safe home. I don't remember a lot from that night; but a moment I wished I could forgot. The night I was almost raped.

My only goal was to find out which guy would save a girl he didn't know. It was honestly some Cinderella type scenario and I think I was okay with that. The first person I looked to was Tommy and what a surprise that is. He told me that it was his best friend. I got upset considering I thought I was his best friend. Only to find out that it was kid named Vinnie that helped save my virginity and my sanity. I stalked his Instagram and sent pictures of him to a group of my closest girlfriends. Only to be let down. Apparently, he was known to be the biggest player of all time. My last thought; "How can a guy risk anything to save a girl. But only to be a complete fuckboy?" I didn't understand.

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