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Prometheus led Juno to a laboratory with nothing in it but one cryogenic status chamber that sat against a wall, connected to a rather intimidating computer console. Master Albert was waiting in the center of the room. Pandora stood behind him, well enough away in distance to signal that she held some sort of qualms with her creator.

"Ah Juno, come here, I want to see you in person once more." Master Albert said as Juno and Prometheus entered the lab. Cautiously, Juno moved toward the Trinity member and allowed him to get a closer look at her.

"Such a pretty girl," he crooned. "I have a gift for you."

From behind, Master Albert pulled out a small packet and held it up to Juno. Wordlessly -unsure of what to say- Juno took it from him and undid the packaging. Inside was a Biometal- it radiated with a kind of energy that almost made the woman sick. Juno snapped her head up at the Trinity member and shoved the Biometal back at him.

"I can't accept this!" she declared quickly, almost in a panic. "I don't know what it is, or how you found it, but I'm not taking it!"

"I have given you so much Juno," Master Albert said to her calmly, "I have improved your implants, I gave you shelter- please take this Biometal as one last token of my admiration."


Suddenly, the look on Master Albert's face grew dark. "Yes. You will." he muttered darkly. "Biometal Model O..."

"Don't do this!" Juno plead, backing away from him.

"Merge with Juno!"

At his command, the Biometal started to radiate a horrifying glow as it started to raise in the air, inching its way closer to the defenseless woman.

'Biolink... established... system... online...'


The blood curdling scream that followed as it emitted from the human woman would have given anyone in hearing range nightmares. The Biometal crawled from underneath her skin, emerging as if her own blood had erupted in tiny spouts throughout her pores. Juno shook violently as the Biometal took over her skin, seeming to tear her flesh apart and spilling her internal organs out onto the ground.

Prometheus and Pandora simply looked on. Deep down, watching this grotesque display nearly made Prometheus feel sorry for the human. Almost.

'Iris... pretty, pretty Iris... I remember you...'

"No!" the human screeched as her body twisted into inhuman places without her permission as the Biometal took over. Juno's body thrust to the ground as if she was being kicked and pushed around, eventually leaving her to a place to simply lay there in fetal position. Crying, screaming, and in mass amount of pain that simpler men would have died for after the first minute.

Pandora carefully walked over to her, attempting to place a gentle hand on her shoulder, but the human swat the Reploid's hand when it was only half a centimeter away.

"Don't touch me." Juno growled, a tone in which nearly terrified Pandora to instantly back away. Even Prometheus was taken aback by the human's actions, if only because she was scaring his sister.

"Welcome Juno, Biomatch for Biometal Model O, the Devil Mega Man." 

From the ground, fighting back her own tears and growing agony, Juno started to emit a low, creepy chuckle.

"You..." she painfully started to laugh. "You bastard. You planned this all along, didn't you?"

"I'll admit that you changed the narrative slightly," Master Albert confirmed darkly, "But yes, it was all planned. Why do you think I 'safeguarded' your previous implants? You have a strong will my dear, and letting it go to waste on photography would have been distasteful of me."

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