Chapter One

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Dean turned around, alert flashing across his face. “Come on you little hell bitch,” the hunter whispered mockingly. He walked around the corner of the living room, looking at the peeling wallpaper, slowly grabbing the magical ‘demon killing’ knife Ruby made for the Winchester boys. Just as he took another step a small pixie like girl, with dark tousled hair and a face that looked too innocent to be something so evil, grabbed him by the neck slamming him against the wall, feeling like the bitch almost broke one of his ribs. Then suddenly he heard the knife clatter to the ground. Shit.

The thought of slamming Cas up against the wall in the same manor flashed across his mind, and he hastily shook the thought away. I have a job to do, hold it together dean. The unusually petite girl’s eyes flashed black, her face carrying a wide grin.

Dean Winchester” she giggled “Where’s your brother… Sammy, isn’t it?”

“Leave him out of this” Dean spit out, causing the demon to grab his neck tighter, throwing him to the ground. Turning his head slightly, he saw the knife a couple feet away, he started inching his hand closer thinking the monster was distracted, when the girl’s small, but painful, foot stamped down. “Ow, that wasn’t very nice,” Dean remarked with a chuckle.

She began to twist her foot, crushing his hand a little more. “You think you can fool me hunter,” she said, laughing like it was the funniest thing she’s ever heard. Dean used her moment of distraction to his advantage, grabbing her ankle and tugging, her body falling and landing abruptly on her back.

Dean slid over the filthy floor grabbing the knife, suddenly noticing that the tiny girl was back upright again, staring him down. The skilled hunter lunged, aiming to stab the knife directly into the demons heart, but missed.

“That wasn’t very nice either Dean,” she snarled. “I thought we were friends,” she said as she punched him square in the face for the fifth time.

Getting sick of her bony knuckles jabbing into his jaw, he kicked her backwards, slamming her into a table, breaking it. Whoops He thought.

The clever hunter knew she would be pissed, and he was right, thankfully. She started running towards him, hatred across her face. Perfect, just as she got to the hunter he opened his arms, almost as if he was going to hug her, his plan falling into place. She rammed him up against the rotting drywall once again, a grin quickly forming on his face as he stabbed her in the back, literally,

In the next instant the inside of her skin started to spark, orange, like the sun was trying to explode inside her. The small girl collapsed to the ground, dead.


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