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In the days that lead to the war between Elizabeth and the Volturi, the air was cold. Somehow, the world seemed to slow, and there was an eerie electricity in the air.

Elizabeth knew that the time was coming. She knew she soon would be in the fight. She knew she was about to win.

But little did she know, Jasper also was ready. He could sense the eagerness rolling from Elizabeth and he could also sense the nerves when she spoke on the phone to an unknown person.

Isabella was ready to die.


The day is creeping up on us. The day that Elizabeth will command me to fight is coming. I know that. But I do not want to fight. I want to know the truth. I want to know why Jasper is trying to find me. I want to know whatever Elizabeth is trying to hide from me.

Even though I love Edward, I feel like I am missing something. Something great. Something real. I know that there is something they are not telling me, and I am eager to discover what that is.

So that is why I did what I did. That is why I called Jasper.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Jasper?" I whispered.

"Isa? Where are you?" His voice sounded desperate and that causes my curiosity to grow.

"I cannot tell you that but something is wrong," I don't know why I fely the need to vent my troubles to the Texan.

"What's wrong my love?" He said.

"They have made me forget you. Forget whatever we had. And they have done something really bad and they are planning a war."

"Isabella, what is going on?"

"Elizabeth plans to overthrow the Volturi. She plans on taking them on in a week and they brought Edward back from the dead. She is going to force me to fight Jasper. I'm going to die."


I wish I could go back in time. To when things were simpler. To when my only problems were not getting a turn on the swings, or my dad not giving me a bike for Christmas. I wish I could remember the things that were taken away from me. I wish I was human.

I know there is something that they aren't telling me. Obviously I had some kind of connection with Jasper. And I wish I was able to know all about that before I die. Because there is no doubt about it, I am going to die.

I wish I could say goodbye to Jacob. Tell him I love him. Tell him that I am do sorry for everything and for not being good enough.

I wish I could see my Dad and tell him I hope he finds all the happiness in the world. And not to cry over my death, because he deserves so much more.

I wish I could see the Cullens. Tell them Thankyou for everything they have done for me. To thank them for being my family and for making my life amazing.

I wish I could see Jasper and apologize. Apologize for not remembering him and apologize for all the pain I caused him.

I wish.


I'm back bitches 😘

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