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The bright green eyes snap to me. As our eyes make contact, a large smile errupts on his face. "Bella," his voice is like velvet.

"H-H-H-How are you alive?" I stutter, fear making my words stick deep in my throat. "I-I-I saw you die."

"It seems my brother has a very useful gift of bringing the dead back to life," Edwards gaze drifts to where Caleb stands in the corner of the room, before returning to me. "It is good to see you again."

I slowly back away towards the door, preparing to run, to make my escape. There is no way he can really be back! He is supposed to stay dead. Hands clamp around my arms, holding me in place. Elizabeth stands between Edward and I, blocking him from my line of sight.

"Isn't this nice?" She says looking at Caleb. Dimitri chuckles lightly from behind me, his warm breath tickling the back of my neck. "We are like a happy family."

"You are no family of mine," I spit. "Bringing back Edward will change nothing! I belong to Jasper now!"

"That's not what you said when we were having wild sex," Dimitri whispers in my ear.

"Oh but Bella, bringing Edward back changes everything," Elizabeth smiles, ignoring Dimitri's words. "Bringing Edward back proves that we can bring anyone back. Victoria. James. Laurent." I tense automatically at the mention of James. Would they really bring him back? Victoria too?

"You wouldn't be able to control them," I say. "They are wild. Crazy. Insane. There is no way in Hell they would listen to anyone, let alone someone like you."

"Have you forgotten my ability Isabella?" Elizabeth smirks. Dread floods through me, as Dimitri's iron grip tightens on my arms. "So are you going to play nice or am I going to have to bring them back?" Caleb appears at my side with a jar of ashes. Labelled in an italic font is one word. Victoria. I nod, fear making paralyzing me. "Good."

Elizabeth steps close to me and our eyes lock. "I want you to forget about your love for Jasper. I want you to forget about your children, and your life. I want you to think that Edward is your mate again, and I want you to be madly in love with him. If Jasper calls you, you will pretend to still love him. You will tell him you're fine and you just need space." Her words echoe through my mind. I nod once. When she moves, Edward has the largest smile on his face. I smile back. Dimitri slowly releases me and in milliseconds Edward is in front of me.

He slowly raises a hand and presses it against my cheek. Warmth floods through me and I lean against his touch. His eyes smile as he presses his lips against mine. I kiss him back, with equal passion, causing my eyes to drift shut. Edwards scent causes my mind to turn to mush and my limbs to freeze. Breaking the kiss, Edward leans his forehead against mine.

"I have missed you Bella," he smiles.

"And I you," I quickly peck his lips.

"Isn't it magnificent?" Elizabeth's voice drawls. "How easily the mind can be manipulated. How the human emotions are magnified as a vampire? It is truly fascinating."

"Mother, don't you think this is cruel?" Dimitri frowns. "Making her love someone she does not love? Making her be with someone without her own consent? It is inhumane and a horrid thing to do."

"Dimitri, you did not think this way when it was you she was in love with. Do you want a turn at Isabella again? I can easily make her take you to bed until morning," Elizabeth's voice drawls. I smile at Dimitri, not caring what his reply is. I know they're using me, but I couldn't care less. As long as I am here with Edward, nothing matters. "What about you Caleb? Do you want your turn at Isabella too?"

"No thank you," Caleb says.

"It isn't the point mother! We are doing this against her consent," Dimitri raises his voice. "See the wrong in your actions."

"Do not tell me what to do! We are doing this so we can leave in peace! We need to take our rightful place as leaders of the world, even the Human world," Elizabeth snaps. "You will respect me!"

"I'm sorry mother!"

"Now listen! All of you. I am doing this for you. For me. For us. I m sick of being pushed around and I am sick of being held back. We are going to make a new world. One where the humans fear us and where we can live without fear of being detected. I am going to create a world where we, as a family, make the rules aad where we can live happily with all the fortune we want. We are powerful, and we have the potential to change everything. We are the future."

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