[6] I'm Body Guarding the President's Jerk Son...Who is HOT...FML!

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This one isn't exciting and it doesn't really explain how Jayden feels, but it certainly raises some interesting questions about Trey. I'll put Jayden in the next one!!!

[6] I'm Body Guarding the President's Jerk Son...Who Is HOT...FML!

Jayden's sapphire eyes stared at me in shock and something akin to accusation. For whatever reason I couldn't explain, I felt ashamed to have him see me like this. But it was an inexplicable feeling. After all, I certainly owed nothing to him and I didn't belong to him in the slightest. And yet, his father had trusted me to keep him safe.

I broke away from his piercing eyes when I heard the sound of footsteps racing somewhere farther down the hall. I leapt off the desk. It'd be perfect if someone kidnapped my charge while I was slacking on my job.

But thankfully, it was only the Men in Black, no doubt chasing after a charge who had escaped from their clutches. At the sight of the two guards, Jayden's expression changed from one of vulnerability to nonchalance.

His chin tilted up in that familiar look of arrogance and he looked lazily at them. "Don't be alarmed, I was simply checking up on the missing members of this little posse. It seems I needn't have worried. They seem to be getting along fine without us."

I was surprised to see that Trey didn't seem the slightest bit alarmed that our jobs might be in jeopardy. He raised his hand and lightly brushed back a strand of my black hair. I caught a smirk on his face that no one else could see. It made his face look alien to me and I pulled back abruptly.

Jayden turned to face us, his lip curling in a slight show of contempt. "Are you two just going to stay here? As for me, I'm hungry and I want to get back to lunch."

Trey flashed Jayden a look that shocked me. It was a look of pure loathing. Jayden and the other two, being in the light of the doorway, didn't see it. But I, in the darkness, caught it. The hate Trey showed seemed inextricably tied with his pain, but there was no gentleness in it. In that brief glimmer, I saw something uglier than all the pain and hate I'd ever felt in my entire life.

Why would a Secret Service agent who obviously had some bad history with the President's son be assigned to such a charge?

On the other hand, why was this animosity one-sided? If anything, Jayden seemed utterly oblivious to it.

More importantly, would I not only have to protect Jayden from external forces, but perhaps his own guard? That question worried me the most. It was the most daunting. It led to another one that was equally as frightening. Could I trust Trey when I didn't know his motives? I wasn't naive enough to believe that all government organizations were without their own agendas-even ones created for the sole purpose of protecting the First Family.

With this in mind, I quickly strode over to Jayden. He was studiously ignoring him, which was okay with me, since I didn't really want to face those accusatory eyes of his either. I examined the two Men in Black. Their faces were blank and I could glean little from them. I nearly sighed in frustration. I suddenly had the impulsive wish that Dad was here. He'd be able to tell if they were lying. Or perhaps he'd just kill the lot of them simply based on my suggestions. I shuddered inside. Maybe it was best I didn't get COBRA involved in this.

Jayden turned around when I got nearer in an unmistakable gesture of defiance and rudeness. I motioned for the Men in Black to be close guard.

The fan formation we had utilized earlier had been good for a crowd. But the hallway we were in was empty and it was much more convenient and useful to change strategies. The formation we now held was a commonly used one among guarding circles. It involves one close guard to block the Principal immediately at the first sign of danger with his or her own body. The far guard keeps a look out for potential danger to prevent it from getting any closer.

I'm Body Guarding the President's Jerk Son...Who is HOT! FMLWhere stories live. Discover now