Bad News Blair

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Serena, Taylor and Blair looked through the Waldorf Designs clothes. "These are so cute!" Serena smiled. "Ah yes, the art of playing dress-up. Something every Upper East Sider enjoys from age 3 upwards." Taylor retorted.

Blair rolled her eyes. "You know I really need a new model. Do you girls know anyone?" Eleanor asked entering the room. Serena smile widened. "I'm sure Blair would happy to. Right, B?" Serena said nudging Blair. "Right." Blair nodded.

"Of course. Who better to be the new face of Waldorf Designs than a Waldorf." Eleanor smiled. Taylor grinned. This was going to be interesting. Very interesting.

She will look forward to getting scheming Blair back after this turns into a disaster. Even if Taylor will have to take matters into her own cold-blooded hands.
Serena went up to help Blair with her modelling while Taylor sipped on her gin. "Serena's impressive isn't she?" Taylor asked one of the assistants. "Yes very." He replied.

"Unfortunately, she won't do it. And if Blair gets wind of your idea, Eleanor will be persuaded to do otherwise." Taylor drawled smirking. He turned to her. "What do you suggest?" He asked.

"How about this one?"  Asked another assistant from behind her. "Me?" Taylor asked smirking. "Yes. This brand needs mysterious, cold and sexy girls." The first one said thoughtfully.

"A done deal." Taylor grinned. "But I thought you were the Waldorf daughter's best friend." The second assistant frowned in confusion. "Meh. Life was getting boring. Skipping down the sidewalk like I'm in the fucking Wizard of Oz? No thanks." Taylor smirked lazily.

"Okay. I'm sure I can convince Eleanor." The first assistant smiled. "Good. I will be glad to bring Blair's bitchy, scheming side back from the dead." Taylor smirked.
Careful, B. Your new dream may turn into a nightmare. Beware of the wolf in the sheep's clothing. It seems not everyone has your best interests at heart. Who could possibly steal B's dress-up daydreams come to life? You'll have to find out yourself. Thank you to the devil with the angel's face for sending in the tip. I'll look forward to you ruining B and S' shared dream. Doesn't everyone just love a good ole scheming Waldorf? I sure do. Maybe she'll finally return from beyond the grave.
Gossip Girl
"Taylor? You have to be kidding me." Blair huffed. "Ah, Waldsen have finally joined the party. I was hoping you'd show up." Taylor replied grinning devilishly as she walked towards them.

"This is messed up. Even for you." Serena hissed. Taylor laughed coldly. "Please. Shoe shopping and martini's? Why would I limit myself to that when I can scheme, manipulate, corrupt and destroy innocent dreams?" Taylor sneered back.

"I actually trusted you. I thought you actually had a soul behind this act. But turns out I was wrong." Blair huffed. "I was bored and everyone knows what Upper East Siders do when they get restless. Besides things were going much to well for you, Blair. All that good luck was boring." Taylor pouted with a sadistic glint in her eye.

But Blair and Serena had known Taylor long enough to see not only that glint. But the sparkle of sadness and regret in her eyes and sprinkled into her words as a undertone.

Blair snorted. "Feed your act to someone who cares. Me and Serena both know you're the best actress around the Upper East Side. But we're not buying it." Blair told Taylor looking her dead in the eye.

"It's not an act. It's called the Real Life Of Taylor Sky Archibald: Uncensored, Behind The Scenes." Taylor drawled boredly, rolling her eyes. "Whatever. Let's go, B." Serena sighed dragging Blair out the door.

Meanwhile, Taylor turned around and got back on stage. Doing what she did best. Posing for the camera.
"You know, you have some real potential, Taylor." Eleanor told Taylor as she got off stage. "Oh thank you, Eleanor. I like to take the oh natural route." Taylor replied dismissively.

"Yes. It's a shame I didn't realise it sooner. But I think we've hit a winner with you." The first assistant told her smiling. "Hmm... I suppose. Well is this the end of that?" Taylor asked boredly.

"Yes, yes. We like to change up the models." The second assistant smiled. "Good." Taylor nodded. "Would you like your pay cheque?" Eleanor asked. "Oh no, no. The look on your daughter's face was payment enough." Taylor smirked.
"Low enough to hold me captive now, S?" Taylor sneered sarcastically as Serena dragged her to Blair's room. "You and B are going to talk this out. Work out what happened." Serena ordered.

"There's nothing to say. I was bored and wanted a dream to crush. Just so happened you and B's came true." Taylor retorted dismissively. "But we're your best friends." Blair said.

It seemed they had arrived in Blair Waldorf's room. "So? We all know I hate emotional attachments of any kind." Taylor hissed. "Which is why we want to talk to you." Serena explained softly.

Taylor groaned. "Since when did you become my therapist? All we need now is you to possess an annoying habit for blazers and greasy hair." Taylor snorted boredly.

Serena chuckled before Blair gave her a warning look. "This is serious." Blair insisted. "This was serious 3 cat-fights and emotional make up's ago." Taylor retorted. "Stop using your defence mechanism, Tay." Blair huffed.

"There's no defence mechanism, no act. Just Taylor Sky Archibald." Taylor replied annoyed. "Taylor, we know you have a heart behind everything. I don't know why you turn to dry humour but we just want you to apologise." Serena said.

"I still have that emotionally scarring photo of you and my brother." Taylor warned looking down at her nails boredly. "And you're not going to send it to anyone." Blair finished.

"I might." Taylor shrugged. "But you won't." Blair replied. "I'm sorry. Now can I leave?" Taylor sneered rolling her eyes. "What you don't want to watch Friends?" Serena asked.

Taylor smirked and sat on Blair's bed. "I'm only staying for 'Friends' nothing else." Taylor drawled as Blair turned the TV on.
Luckily Taylor was on leave today so Serena, Blair and her decided to have a sleepover. It was about 11:30 when Taylor lay her head on Blair's shoulder and hugged her sleepily.

"You can go to sleep if you want." Serena laughed. "I'm not tired." Taylor lied yawning into Blair's neck. "Sure, you're not." Blair laughed. "But Monica's about to--" Taylor whined.

"Go to sleep." Blair laughed. Blair always like when Taylor was tired. Whining and affectionate were things never seen from awake Taylor. It was nice.

"But I-I... I'm not tired." Taylor lied snuggling deeper into Blair's shoulder. "We don't mind, T." Serena smiled. Before Serena even finished her sentence, Taylor was fast asleep against Blair's shoulder.

"She's asleep, S." Blair grinned. "Tired Taylor's cute." Serena smiled fondly back. "I suppose." Blair smiled back.

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