Maybe I Should Work Here

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Yesterday was actually really nice.

You see, I'm the type of person who will stress out about the smallest thing.

It's a really annoying habbit that I'm trying to get rid of, but it's hard.

So anyways, I had a ton of little things to get done.

And yesterday I got all of those done, which took a HUGE load off my shoulders.

Seriously, I felt so much better, you have no freaking idea!


One of the things on my list was going to Pink and exchanging a pair of sweatpants for something else.

So I get to the store, and start talking to one of the workers, who directs me to the counter.

And when I look over at the counter, one of the most beautiful blond girls I have ever seen is standing right there, smilling at me.

I don't even know how I kept my cool, but some how I was able to walk over there, and talk to her with out stuttering or saying something stupid.

And omg her voice...SEXY.

But the funniest part about all of this...I know this girl! Like, we weren't good friends or anything, but she helped coach my middle school basketball team when she was in high school. God, thinking back to those days, I'm glad she didn't recognize me. Let's just say, I remember doing some extremely embarassing things during basketball practices.

Anyways, I guess that means she has to be out of college, since I'm a senior. But damn, did she look GOOD!

Since I'm pretty new to all of this, I really don't have a gaydar that functions with girls. Like I honestly can't tell when a girl is lesbian or bi, unless their butch. I also can't tell if one is just being nice, or flirting. But I'm guessing a majority of the time their just being nice, since everyone I know is straight, or is known as straight.

You know, I guess with girls, unless they dress butch, you really can't tell what their sexuality is, unless they make it known.

This could makes things difficult.

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