Chapter VI

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Chapter VI

We left Rivendell early in the morning, and I looked out upon my homeland as we stood at the mouth of the pass into the rest of Middle Earth. I was suddenly overcome by memories of traveling with the army, but as I looked at my city, I knew my home would be with my friends. I had pledged my duty to Frodo, and I would have to overcome the challenges before coming back to where I belonged.

We walked for days, generally with Legolas or I running several paces ahead of the rest of the Fellowship, and Gimli a few paces behind. Gandalf, Aragorn, or Mireclya would join us in the front most of the time, but otherwise the going was fairly steady. Sam led Bill the pony with the supplies, but I had let Guldurelon head out once we'd passed through the gap in the mountains. As Gandalf had said, many knew that he was the steed of the Red Rider, and my prescence in his made it clear that we were not to be messed with. I knew he would follow us from afar because he had a bond like no other, but there were some places he could not go – like the mountains that we were going through.

I worried for the sake of my horse, but watching Boromir train Pippin while standing near the edge of a cliff was currently more worrisome.

"Careful!" I called to Pippin. "Watch your opponent, but keep your other senses on your surroundings. Use them to your advantage. Make sure you always know where you are in the space!"

Boromir had Pippin's blade locked against his near the edge of the cliff.

"Get away from the blade, Pippin... on your toes!" Pippin took a half-step back and then moved forward with one foot, going under Boromir's blade. "Good, very good." Boromir spun out, but somehow Pippin managed to keep his blade and his footing. "I want you to react, not think."

"Shouldn't be too hard," Sam murmured. I was fairly impressed with the skills Pippin had acquired in the past week or so of traveling, but I had the feeling that Sam was correct in saying that lots of times, Pippin was very impulsive.

I looked over the mountains on the journey ahead and then backwards at the lands we had left. When I looked back at the training session, Boromir and Pippin had locked blades again.

"Move your feet," Boromir reminded his pupil.

Progress was made, but I could tell that Boromir could see the moves that Pippin was planning.

All the same, fairly impressive, considering he'd only been practicing for two weeks.

"Quite good, Pippin," Merry said contentedly.

"Thanks," Pippin huffed.

They continued to practice, with Mira and Merry commenting every few moments. I turned my attention towards Gandalf and Gimli, and I noticed that Gimli was talking gravely to the wizard.

"...which I note they have not," Gimli was saying, "I would say we are taking the long way round! Gandalf, we can pass through the Mines of Moria. My cousin Balin would give us a royal welcome!"

I frowned a little at the thought of passing through the mines; I'd much rather stay above ground and in the sunlight that under the mountains, taking shelter in the shadows. I noticed Gandalf also seemed to think this was unwise.

"No, Gimli," he responded seriously. "I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice."

"Besides," I pointed out, "wouldn't the enemy be more likely to be taking refuge among the shadows? Despite the journey being longer up here, it is far safer than going through the Mines."

THE RED RIDER ; lord of the rings {legolas} ✔Where stories live. Discover now