Chapter 11

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"Doctor McCoy!" alerted one of the nurses as she put pressure on the wound that Lily had.

Lily has lost a large amount of blood already. Jim was trying to fight Bones to see his sister and it wasn't helping either.

"Let go, Bones!" Jim exclaimed as he tried to push Bones away from him.

"Jim! You need to let me take care of her, alright? But I need you out of the way." explained Bones.

"She's my sister! I'm not leaving her!"

"Doctor!" called the nurse again. "She's flatlining!"

"Jim! Stay here...for Lily's sake." Bones told Jim before rushing off to his wounded friend. Jim stayed put, for his sister's sake.

Jim exhaled and covered his face with his hands. If only he could reverse time and stop Lily from getting hurt or even go to the Narada in the first place.

Lily and Pike were among the first to be sent back to Earth, once the Enterprise reached it's destination.

Pike had gotten a look at an unconsious Lily as they were being transported back to Earth, and even though she was doing better, he didn't like what he saw.

"She'll be fine, Captain Pike." Bones reassured as he saw his distressed look. "She went into shock on the way back, but a blood transfusión helped. We'll be giving her another one when we reach the hospital."

"And what happened to her foot?" Pike asked as he looked at the bandaged foot.

"It was the shock." Bones replied. "She fell down from the bed she was on. She's very hard to hold still. Sprain."

Bones looked down as his friend with a smile. Captain Pike looked at her then at Bones before looking at her again.

"She's a fighter." Pike said softly. "She'll make it."

"I have no doubt of that." Bones said, still smiling at his friend.

"She'll be happy at your side." Pike said suddenly.

"Captain?" Bones said as he looked up at Pike with confusion.

Pike sighed and rolled his eyes. "Lily may be stubborn and in many ways just as annoying as her brother, but she is the smartest of the two. But because she's a Kirk, she's emotionally driven despite her brains.

"That's something they taught me. Not just some research about the Kelvin incident. Their whole family is like that. It's a trait they inherited from their father.

"The Kirk family are an emotional bunch, but because they are I know she loves you just as much as you love her."

"But she hasn't shown me that she does." Bones protested. "Not once throughout this mission. Or ever."

"This mission was about her family." Explained Pike. "She had you in mind, trust me. She was just more worried about her brother. Jim tends to do dangerous things...but not you. After all she knew where you were at all times. She knew you were safe.

"But answer me this. How much time did the two of you spend together at the Academy?"

Bones thought it over. He spent just as much time with her alone as he did with Jim, which was practically every day.

"She always did try to come up to do something together." Bones replied. And it was the truth. Lily would drag him everywhere when Jim wasn't around. Either studying, having fun, or simply talking. "Anything as long as we were together."

"There you have it." Pike replied. "She cares about you. And not in the familial kind of way Jim has for you. I saw it the moment you two came out of that ship all the way from Iowa."

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