Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The Enterprise rose from the dust and particles that made up the rings of Saturn and held still.

"Transporter Room." said Sulu. "We are in position above Titan."

In the transporter room, Mr. Scott answers. "Really? Fine job, Mr. Sulu. Well done."

Just as Scott finishes his compliments to Sulu, 4 people come into the room.

"How are we, Scotty?" Jim asks, getting used to the new nickname.

"Unbelievably, sir, the ship is in position." Scotty answers.

Spock and Uhura continue on to the transporter, but Jim and Lily stay behind the glass and next to Scotty.

Jim presses a button and waits for the beep to go off. "Whatever happens, Mr. Sulu, if you, along with Lieutenant Kirk, think you have the tactical advantage, you fire on that ship, even if we're still onboard." commanded Jim. "That's an order."

Jim looked up at his sister, who's arms were crossed and gave her a pointed look. She looked grim and reluctantly agreed by nodding her head.

Sulu looked conflicted about it, but responded anyway. "Yes, sir."

"Otherwise we'll contact the Enterprise when we're ready to be beamed back." concluded Jim.

"Good luck." wished Sulu. Another beep went off and Jim went to the transporter followed by his sister closely behind.

"Sure, you don't want me to go with?" Lily asked as Jim bounded up the steps.

"I'm sure. I don't want you in harm's way." Jim said then conveniently turned to see Uhura kissing Spock.

A look of confusion spread across his face. He looked away towards his sister as they broke it up.

"It's been happening for awhile." confirmed Lily.

"I will be back." Spock tried to ease the concern of his girlfriend.

"You better be." warned Uhura. "I'll be monitoring your frequency."

"Thank you, Nyota." Spock said.

Jim looked over surprised. Who knew he'd find out her first name this way? He looked to his twin. Lily grinned as Uhura and Spock kissed one last time.

Uhura turned and gave Jim a look which he returned with slight embarrassment. "Don't die." said Lily before quickly kissing his cheek and going after Uhura.

Scotty followed Uhura with a surprise look. He turned away as she passed by him. Uhura was joined by Lily behind Scotty and the other crew members.

Jim broke the silence. "So her first name's Nyota?"

"I have no comment on the matter." was Spock's quick response. Lily smiled at the situation.

"Okey-dokey, then, if there's any common sense on the design of the enemy ship, I should be putting somewhere in the cargo bay." explained Scotty. "Shouldn't be a soul in sight."

"Energise." ordered Jim. The light appeared to circle around the two of them and soon it covered their body. The next second the light disappeared, they were gone.

As soon as they were gone, Uhura walked out the room. Lily pressed the button from before and waited momentarily for the beep. "Sulu, you're in charge. Remember tactical advantage, take it."

The beep went off again, signaling the end of the conversation before Sulu could even respond. He sighed and silently wished the other Kirk good luck.

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