Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

3 Years Later


The vast of space is calm and empty. Nothing out of place, nothing out of the extraordinary. With the exception of an enormous ship drifting as if waiting for something or someone.

Suddenly in front of the ship, something appears. It seems to be a lightning storm, and from the middle of it emerges a fast but small ship.

On the bridge of the enormous ship, its Captain says three words in a sinister voice.

"Welcome back, Spock."
-San Fransisco, California; The Academy-

Students in red uniforms are walking up and down the steps of a building, going to and from classes.

Three students in particular are walking down the steps. Two of which look similar to each other and their friend stood by them. Twins, Lily and Jim Kirk, and their friend Leo McCoy.

"I need you to be there, Bones." Jim told McCoy.

"Be where?" He asked.

"You're not going to like it." Lily whispered to Bones as Jim exasperated. Bones sighed.

"I'm taking the test again." Jim said

"You gotta be kidding." Bones said disbelieving Jim.

"Yeah, tomorrow morning and I want you to wait for me outside." Jim said as they continued to walk.

"You know I have better things to do than wait around for you to finish a test. You're only going to embarrass yourself." Bones replied.

"For the third time, too." Lily added.

"I'm a doctor, Jim. I'm busy." Bones told him.

"Bones, doesn't it bother you that no one ever passed the test?" Jim stopped in front of his best friend, making the three stop in the path.

"Jim, its the Kobayashi Maru. No one passes the test. And no one goes back for seconds, let alone thirds." Bones replied.

"So you're telling me, you'll be there. Okay, Lily?" Jim turned to his sister.

"Pass. I'm supervising the tests myself." I told Jim when he had a curious expression.

"Well, then I'm leaving." Jim said smiling. "I gotta study." Jim slapped Bones in the shoulder and walked away.

"Study my ass." Mumbled Bones. He turned to Lily. "Are you really supervising the tests?"

"Nope." She said popping the 'p'. "I don't have the rank. And I didn't want to go for the third time. Now come on, we both actually need to study." She began to drag Bones along with her.

"Study? Study for what?" He asked her as he was being pulled by his arm.

She pulled him next to her and leaned into him. "Dunno. But we'll figure it out when we get there." She replied as they headed towards the nearest school coffee shop.
Later that Day

-Lily's POV-

"So how did it go in the lab today?" I asked Uhura as we turned a corner that lead to our dorms.

"There was a Klingon transmission that I intercepted." She answered almost excitedly.

"Well, that's interesting. What did it say?" I asked.

"An emergency transmission from a Klingon prison planet. It said that an armada was destroyed. And it was a massive ship that destroyed the armada." Uhura said in one breath.

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