Getting to know him!

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I ran to the sofa and plopped on it. "I got my first text from a guy, well I suppose he is a guy!" I said excitingly. Jessica pauses PLL (Pretty Little Liars) and looks to me. "So then, did you look at his profile!?" She says. I tap on the name 'Triotion33' weird name.... and his profile has a picture of one of those big dogs in a park. Maybe he is a pet lover!? There I go again supposing. I message him back "Hi, but you don't really know me!" I laugh at my own joke and see Jess looking at me funny. "What!? What if he is one of the people that like to kidnapp people, he might kidnapp me if I meet him now, then, you wouldn't be looking at me funny, you would be saying I was right!?" I say proving a point. "I get why you would say that but, it is how you said it, it's so lame." Jessica says. "Do I need you to write him, so it won't be lame!?" I say looking at her curiously. "You might have too!" Jess says smiling taking the laptop from me and placing it in her lap. She texts him and it says. "I want to know you first and then, we can meet! :-)" "And if that was even
better!?" I say smiling. "Well at least I told him you wanted to meet him!" Jessica says. "Oh and I forgot to tell you but, Landon asked me to go to the football game tomorrow." I say thinking of why he would even ask me to go in the first place. "Oh well, you might have two guys that are interested in you." Jessica says with a smile. "I don't think he is interested in me, I think he justs wants more people see him play, and besides isn't he dating that Victoria girl, the popular one!?" I ask doubting that he likes me. "I don't know, I have heard different things today, like that they broke up last night because she wasn't treating him right and I have also heard that they got back together today." She says. "Well, whatever it is, he doesn't like me, we are completely from different groups, he is the most popular and cutest guy in this school and I am just a nobody!" I say explaining why it would never happen. "Look Nathan is right next to him in popularity wise and all and everyone is surprised we are dating too with me being a nobody too." she says and before I can respond she says, "You can date him as much as I can date Nathan, It doesn't matter what people say, do what you want to do, don't rely on people's opinions." Jessica says like she is my mother giving me the talk about how bullies don't matter, that they will go no where in life. Then there is a notification coming from the computer. It was a message from the guy on the website. The reply says "Ok, how about I get to know you first and then we can meet tomorrow at 9 pm!?" I replied back with a "Sure!"

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