First Message

22 1 4

Well nothing's different on the news! I get out of bed to stretch when I look at the clock.... 9:15!? Why didn't Jessica wake me up!? Is this some kind of joke! Before I could freak out there was a knock on the door.... What now? I walk over to the door and I'm not in shock when I see who it is.... It's the hottest guy in College, Landon. "Hey, Landon, what are you doing here?" I say confused why he is standing in front of me right now. "You weren't in class so Mr. Tate said for me to give you this." Landon says handing me some papers. "Thanks, I slept in late." "No problem see you next time." He says and then walks away. I shut the door and go get dressed. Before I left for the next class I looked to see if there was anyone that has messaged me on the dating website.Sure enough there was but, I didn't have time I need to get to class. Once I'm in class I see Jessica waving in my direction. "You... You didn't wake me up!" I whisper but want to yell it out. "Ms. Macenberry do you want to explain to the class why you are 8 minutes late." Oh God I am late. Of course. I hear a few giggles around the room. "No Professor Brown." I sit in my seat beside Jessica. Jessica sielently passes me a note. I unfold it and it says "Not my fault you didn't wake up on time." I didn't respond I just sighed. After a long 1 hour and a half in class me and Jessica headed our separate ways. I had 15 minutes of free period to myself so I went to the girls bathroom so I can look too see who messaged me on the website. As soon as it turns on a hear a fire alarm. The intercome came on and one of the office staff came on the intercome and said."This is just a practice fire alarm but still go outside." I put my phone in my left backpocket and headed outside. Ugh I hate practice fire alarms. When I went outside Jessica was already standing with who seems to be Mrs. Rogers, the art teacher here. I go over there, "Hey, Jess." "Oh, Hey Molly, crazy outside Huh!?" "Yep" Everybody was everywhere looking for people and wandering. While I was looking around waiting Nathan came up to us. Nathan is Jessica's boyfriend since basically the 8th grade. "Hey guys, Oh Jess, thank goodness you are okay." Nathan says. Nathan's very friendly. He is one of the teammates on the football team with Landon too. "Relax Nathan it was just an alarm!" I say. Oh great they are hugging. Its too cute though..... And then I remember the dating website. As I was about to check my phone someone interuppted. "Everyone back to class!
And if you were in free period your 15 minutes are up!" I was so close maybe I will be able to check after classes. I go inside and head to my locker to get my last class stuff. Right when I close my locker Landon comes up too me. "Hey Landon, what's up!" I say before he can say hello himself. He has a smile on his face like he is happy to see me. "Hey Molly, so... I just want to ask you if you would go to the football game to see me play, cause I have heard that you haven't been to any?!" Landon said with a questioning thought. "Umm... I don't know Landon, I mean I know Jessica will be there but, I am not really good with those things." "Come on, you never go to any of them and besides, I gave you your makeup work this morning and I didn't have to do that!" He said with a chuckle. "Are you trying to blackmail me into going to your game?" I say folding my arms on my chest. "I guess I have my ways." Landon said still smiling. "OK, fine!" I say and smile back. "I got to go to class, Bye Landon!" "Bye Molly!" He says and then turns the other way. As I head to class I think about who it might be on the dating website. Class felt speedy fast. As soon as I knew it I was unlocking my door to my dorm room. I opened the door and saw the TV on and Jessica on the couch in front of it. "Hey Jess!" I say as I barge through the door happy that the day is almost over. "Hey Molly!" Jessica says smiling. "Oh the new episode of Pretty Little Liars, why didn't you wait for me!?" I say a little furious. "I just couldn't but it's so good though." She says excited. "Hold on, let me get my laptop." I say running to my room. "So I got a poke on the website!" I say excited. "I knew it would happen!" Jessica says even more excited. I open my laptop and there it was a message from someone saying. "You want to hang out sometime?"

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