Chapter 9: My New Beginning

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It was late in the evening when we decided to leave the room. We were both satisfied and though Jin was sore, I could tell he was relieved. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and pulled him close to me so I could support him. I did a number on his body so I thought he could use the help.

"Done making a mess on the sheets?" We both flinched in surprise as we turned around to find Haru smirking at us. He first looked at me. His eyes challenging me but I paid no mind to it. Hey, I owed the man for giving me the chance to talk to Jin. I gave him a warm smile before he shifted his gaze to a blushing Jin. I would be blushing too if my older brother saw me leave my room with my lover while I sported tons of bite marks.

Sorry. Couldn't hold back since it's been a while.

I mentally apologized to Jin as he tried to wave his brother away with an unconvincing glare. "Haru, stop being annoying." Jin said causing the older man to chuckle lowly.

"Since things went too well. Would you like to join me for dinner?" Jin nodded in response. Taking the answer, Haru led the way to their dining area while we followed.


And I'm not joking when I tell you that their wealth could surprise you. My God! It felt like walking in a castle in those medieval films I hated so much.

"Have a seat." I heard Haru say while he pulled his seat. I look over at Jin and smile at him before pulling the chair across Haru for him to sit on. He smiles at me as a silent thanks before taking a seat. They wait for me to settle down before calling the maids to serve dinner. I murmured my thanks once my dinner had been served.

We ate in silence. It was so quiet you could hear the fire burning in what I would presume their living room would have. Oh, right. The dinner was excellent. I don't know what it was but it tasted delicious. I could have licked my plate if not for the fact that Jin's older brother kept watching me like a hawk would do to its prey. Then the maids had taken our plates and replaced them with wine, for me and Haru, and water, for Jin.

"What have you guys decided?" Haru asked while swirling the wine in his cup. Damn. His aura just screams royalty and I wouldn't doubt anyone who says he's a descendant of a powerful king. He then raises his eyes from his cup to my face, waiting for an answer. I look at Jin and he gives me a nod, along with an encouraging smile. It was a small smile, though. Nonetheless, it boosted my confidence enough to look at his brother's face.

"I've decided, no wait. We decided to get married and provide a loving home to our child." I reached under the table to hold Jin's trembling hand. Jin was nervous and I could tell but we had to do this. He was doing a great job of hiding his nervousness, by the way.

"And how will you support this family you plan to build?" Haru asks with a small smirk on his face.

"Well, I'll drop out of school to find a job that will support both of them. Jin will have to take a leave of absence until he gives birth. And at the same time, I plan to have him finish his degree whether he agrees to or not. And we can both take turns in taking care of the baby. I don't want him to leave school because of this. I want him to be able to pursue his dreams and be able to come home to a loving family as well." I looked at Jin and saw him smile at me. Then, I retuned my eyes to his brother's amused ones.

"I see. But I can't let you do that." My grip on Jin's hand tightened and I glared at the man. He may be Jin's brother but I will not let anyone break us apart.

"Before you give me that look, let me finish what I have to say." Unconciously, I loosened my grip on Jin's. "While I am happy you feel that way towards my brother, I want to make sure you can fully support him when he marries you." Jin and I gave him a questioning look.

"What is your plan?" I heard Jin ask.

"Simple. I will allow Rei to marry you so long as he is the one who changes his last name. He will be carrying our family name and so will the child once he or she is born. Both of you are to continue your studies and I will give Rei a job in our company once he graduates. As for you Jin, you'll have to take a leave of absence for two years to ensure that you have enough time to look after your baby. And as for the marriage, we'll just keep it to ourselves and trusted friends. Also, you guys will be staying here forever so I can keep an eye on your new family, Jin. Is that all right with you both?" Haru takes a swig of his wine before looking at us. I turn my eyes to my beloved and he looks at me. My eyebrows were raised in a questioning manner before he turned away from me to loo at his brother.

"I'm fine with that." He squeezes my hand and nudges me on the the shoulder. I take that as my cue to answer.

"I don't really mind losing my last name for yours. So, yeah. Let's go with your plan." I answered with a smile. Haru then looks at the both of us and finally smiles. I feel the heavy aura dissipate as I take a sip from my forgotten wine.

Everything will be fine.

The following months were a blur. I continued to go to school under my sports scholarship. I didn't want to depend on Haru for everything. I have my own pride too, you know. And I told Aki of my plans and he smiled at me with a whisper of congratulations. We invited him and Rio to the small wedding that consisted of close friends and family members. Shun was present too. Of course, you can't leave out Jin's best friend on the wedding since he helped us get together. On the other hand, Jin took a leave of absence for two years like his brother had told him to. He's nearing his last month. His stomach had gotten rounder and what surprised us was the fact that we were having twins. We didn't know what gender they were as we wanted to keep it a surprise. I also worked part-time for a while to buy my own kids' stuff just to satisfy me ego. Come on, just because I married a man who can afford a life of luxury without working doesn't mean I should abuse that. I wouldn't be able to call myself a man, much less a father, if I couldn't afford to buy clothes for my own kids. Although, it did make Jin upset with me for thinking like that, I couldn't help it.

Oh. And I moved in with Jin. Haru wasn't in the house much so we had the humongous estate all to ourselves and every night, I made sweet love to Jin, though not as frequent. I had to be considerate of his situation. So, I only made love to him once every night. Two at the most, when he's in the mood for some loving. Hahaha. But really, we're happy and in a few weeks, we'll be meeting our twins. Life couldn't get any better.

So, that's basically it. A simple story born between two people.and was made complicated by misunderstandings. Our story may have been rushed. And it may have been a cliche.

But, that's the story of how I fell in love.

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