Chapter 8: Our Decision

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I look down to where Jin situated my hand. 


He studies my face before gaze fell down to our hands. And as I study his body, I feel drops of water falling on my skin. 

"Not once, in this whole relationship, did we ever use contraceptives. We would go at it like rabbits and you'd forget to pull out. And then we'd go again. Just repeating the cycle." He said in a broken voice as his head hung low. His hand clutched onto mine tightly making me wince as his nails dug into my skin.

"The day you found me hugging Shun was the day I found out I was pregnant. Shun was there with me when I went to the clinic to check what was wrong with me that day. And when I found out, it came as a shock that made me break down while he tried to get me home. Then, you came along and accused me of being a whore." My face scrunched up in distaste of my actions.

"It was the worst thing that could happen after finding out I was pregnant. I thought you knew but then you didn't. If I had said I was pregnant, I was sure you'd immediately ask: "Who's the father?". I didn't want to hear that. Not from you. I didn't want a reason to abort the baby. So, I tried to disappear. Tried to get over you then you come here and I fall back into your arms again. It's frustrating but I didn't want to go through the pain of loneliness again and I didn't want our child to grow up knowing that I didn't try to get his father for him." He let go of my hand and brought both his hands to his face to hide the waterfall of tears.

My hand returned to my side as I watched his body shake from the bottled emotions. I could never imagine how he had gone two months without someone to cling onto as he faced a new and scary chapter of his life. It was too early, much too early. But it was my fault. If I had been careful, he wouldn't have been this scared. Scared to the point that he can't even raise his head anymore to meet my eyes.

"Idiot." I said and I smiled when his frame stopped shaking as if frozen. "It was a smart move on your part to not say anything during that time." I lift his head up to look at his face and frowned noticing the tears had not stop flowing. I led him to the bed and we both laid on it, him snuggling my chest as my arms encircled his body. I could feel his tears on my skin. Ah, he must have soaked my shirt in tears all ready. I tightened my hold on his body and continued.

"I'm pretty sure that's what I would have said if you had confessed your pregnancy. I mean, I was mad with jealousy and something like that could have pushed us further apart if you had spilled it. Thank God you held your tongue. It gave me enough time to think of how I felt for you and I discovered my love for you which is great. And now you're pregnant, I'm happy. Who wouldn't be? If the man you had desired ever since you laid eyes on him carries your baby, you'd be made of stone not to jump for joy." His tears stopped flowing and I smiled. "Yeah, he's too early. And yeah, we could have prevented having him. But, he's here and I'm glad you didn't want to abort him. And while tough times are coming our way,  we'll stand together, won't we? And soon, we're going to be parents at the age of 20 to a beautiful baby and people won't look kindly at us, especially you. But who cares, right? I'll look after both of you. And I'll marry you if I have to. Just to prove how much I love you. And just to be clear, I don't want you to think I'll marry you just so that my baby won't grow up a bastard. There's that. But the heart of the marriage would be because I love you so much. " With that, I push him a little further so I could look into the very same gorgeous black eyes that had lured me to the man.

I hope our child gets his eyes. They'd be beautiful like him.

I notice a small smile on his lips and I gave him my award-winning grin. He chuckled lowly and placed his arms around my neck. Pulling himself, he gave me a peck on the lips followed by one of the most beautiful smile I had ever seen on his face.

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