Black moonlight Part3

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As they walk to their, abandoned home way out in, deep in the forest of, the cold winter night. 'It been three months since I was turned, by Andrew on a very cold night. Like this the moon will never look white, again to me but black like, a dead rose dipped in bloodshed.' Lucy thought, while walking next to her maker Andrew, with is lush golden hair falling, perfectly to his shoulders and his dashing sliver eyes.

"Lucy did I ever tell you when, the first time I saved you from death. You were walking home from I think, a school your hair was put up and had on, a school uniform some headphones in not. Noticing the man with a knife in his hand. It was late out the sun was setting and night will appear. In a flash the man had pinned, and he looked at you with killer, dark blue eyes filled with crazy." Andrew says stopping at their home and pulling Lucy closer. Gazing into those golden red eyes, filled with wonder and something else, hidden deep in her orbs.

"What wrong? Lucy you look lost in thought and like something else is on your mind as well." He asks titling his head slightly keeping her closely though. Lucy took a minute to reply as she, still gazed deeply into his, eyes and taking a deep breath. "I just wondering why you, saved me ever since I turned 11 and my parents spilt, made me feel I wasn't even worth to be saved or to live. But why are you so into me and why did you turn me?" She says, in a calming voice while walking to the house And sitting on the porch looking down.

"Why I saved you is that ever since, I laid eyes on you my sweet. Lucy it like my cold heart was warmed, and love rushed in because, I love you dearly Lucy Starlight." Andrew says running up to with quick speed, and he pulled her into a deep passionate kiss deepening. It a bit he could feel Lucy's hand grip his shoulder. Then fall down as she kissed back with the same passion.

Lucy soon breaks the kiss looking into Andrews sliver orbs. "I to I never thought anyone would tell me they love me" she whispers kissing him again as the sun, set was done and was returned with the black, moon that had stars of blood in the sky.

I hope you all enjoyed the, third part if you want a fourth part comment.

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