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You never know when it comes.
Your emotions drop and shift to something else.
Where most people are happy but.
You feel glum like that happiness was sucked out.
Like a vacuum making it
Hard to get up and be happy.
You put a smile on your face for people hoping.
They never find out that when sitting alone you're scared that.
You'll start cutting yourself, or feel that taking your life is better.
Some days you feel like no one cares about what your feelings and.
Emotions that are going all crazy in your head
Making yourself hold a hand out wanting to scream.
For someone to help but it's like your emotions drown it out.
You feel yourself crying to sleep.
Hoping that you won't wake up that this nightmare will end.
That you don't have to feel pain and sadness anymore.
So let's help those people enjoy life and not feel trapped.

I hope you guys enjoy my poem comment on what you think. and give it a vote to.

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