pitch black

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Slowly as I wake I can hear a faint drip of water somewhere in the distance my eyes disapprovingly adjust to the darkness and I can see the faint outline of light on the other side of the door across the room I reluctantly stir to a sitting position where I find myself on a plush bed listening with all my might for voices I hear laughter witch makes me jump out of my skin the kind of laughter that gives you goosebumps on a hot summer day. I look around for an escape plan and see no windows what kind of room has no windows I think to myself I slowly get up from the bed trying make as little Noise as possible something stirs outside of the room making me scurry back to the bed surprisingly making less noise this time the door creaks open letting light flood in I freeze as not one but two different sets of footsteps near me I listen to them whispering unaware of me being awake. Alex why did you bring her here? I swore she was one of them, it took me hours to chase her down it was like she was one with the woods she knew every action she was making before she made it, she would of got away if she didn't go into the hallow. Yvonne she's different than you think she's not human but I don't know what she is exactly.

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