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Years have passed
Years since that damned night
Since I've sworn to never see you again
Since my world's become black and white

But here I am again
Like days agone
Facing my reflection
Asking her: what do I say to him?
What do I say to him
When he asks if I miss him

I know that he likes flowers
So why am I dressed in them
If I don't miss him
It's good that Time can melt our anger
And allow us to smile at a story that was once ours
But let's just feed our love to oblivion and end this chaos

So I pick up my phone
And I call him
And I tell how I love and miss him
But seeing him again is a crime
For I would get tangled in that net
The same net I've struggled for very long to escape
And I shut the line

From my chair
In our favourite Cafè
I can hear the wedding bells chime
And I smile
It'd be easier to forget and let go now


Just to clarify, I don't see these poems as real poems. There are just thoughts that I like to write in this style; poetry is even harder than writing a novel/book, and I'm no expert in English poetry. Other than that , hope you enjoy it.

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