Willow Wood; Chapter Four

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                                                               Willow Wood

                                                           CHAPTER FOUR

 When I woke up the next morning it was 9:45 a.m. and I was grumpy because I did not wake up of my own accord. A loud ruckus from the first floor woke me from my sweet slumber. Not even bothering to see what I looked like in the mirror I stomped down the steps.

“Be quite!” I screamed, much too loudly for the morning, though I received no answer. My puffy eyes adjusted slowly to the scene around me. Mom was rifling through the cupboards in the kitchen and stuffing a large bag full of stuff, Anihi was jumping on one shoed foot, trying to get the other foot in it respective sneaker. Nate was changing the channels on the TV endlessly, having the volume up quite loud. They all seemed to be in their own little world.

A quite knock on the door somehow made its way to my assaulted ears. I growled and stormed through the pallor to the front door. I opened it and gave a tremendous;

“What do you want?!”

There stood speechless Bracken. The first words he managed to utter were; ‘good morning’. My response was ‘what’s good about it?’

“I get to see you, in all your; I’m-not-a- morning-person glory...” He winked and leaned forward. “Now, may I come in?”

I rolled my eyes at his act and started to walk away, leaving the door open. I heard a muffled chuckle from behind me and glared at him before stopping and turning on him. He almost fell from trying not to run me over. The corner of my mouth quirked up. “Why are you even here, Bracken?”

“To pick up your siblings, I think.”

 I had almost forgotten that they were going over to a new friend’s house to hang out today. Apparently Mom had the go to the store yesterday and they went with her. They had run into some old friends of her and it turns out they have kids their age. They really hit it off with them and ended up getting invited over, Anihi and Nate I mean.

“Oh. You mean these?” I pointed to the younger people, now both sitting on the coach, watching Wizards of Waverly Place.

He smiled “Yes; ‘those’.

“So you have little monsters too?”

He nodded. “But I don’t know if I’d call them monsters… more like screaming banshees.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at that.

After a minute of comfortable since between us he said; “You look very nice…” And waggle his eye brows. I glanced down at myself. I was wearing booty shorts and a too-small-to-were-in-daylight spaghetti strap shirt. I was suddenly very grateful that I had been too lazy last night to take of my bra.

“You sick-o!” I said, whacking his arm, only blushing a little bit. He rubbed his arm.

“Ow, you’re strong girl! It was only a joke.” His smirk said otherwise. I smacked his arm again, with less force.

Mom walked in, having come out of her bubble. “Oh good you’re here. Guys; time to go.” This last part was aimed at the occupants of the couch. They stood and waved; ‘good bye, see you soon’, then ran out the door.

Bracken dramatically said, “well, my love, I must bid you fare well, don’t be too saddened…” He lifted my hand to his lips, like he had pretty much every time I’d seen him, and kissed it.

“Ya, ya, get out you hooligan.” I pushed him by his back, shoving him out the door. I slammed it in his face with a laugh. Turning around I saw Mom waggling her eyebrows at me in a suggestive manor.

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